Chapter 204 - Vengeance

Start from the beginning

"Medrauta!" Viviane shouted as she struggled to tear herself free from the butterflies. A portion of the swarm had already finished reforming Amelia's arm, allowing the witch to clutch onto the noblewoman tightly.

"I'm coming, Vivi!" Medrauta rushed toward her lady, her heart pounding rapidly. She thought she had rid herself of fear ever since she leapt in front of the black spear Amelia had thrown during the final day of the academy festival. There, she had prepared herself for certain death, and it was only the miracle of Viviane's Crest metamorphosis that saved her life.

Now, it was a different kind of fear that forcibly thrust itself into her heart, lodging itself there as if a certain black lance had pierced it after all. It was true that Medrauta no longer felt fear so long as she was the only one in danger, but now that it was Viviane's life on the line, she experienced a dread so powerful that even drawing breath felt difficult.

Time slowed as Medrauta was forced to watch Amelia's body fully form behind Viviane. Though she was already leaping toward her beloved lady, she knew she was too late. Already, the witch's obsidian sword was poised to pierce through Viviane's heart. The only reason she continued to wait was merely to watch her foe squirm.

To allow the silver-haired knight's heart to thunder desperately despite knowing full well that all hope had been lost.

Medrauta reached an arm out toward her lady, their fingertips nearly brushing against each other. The air around her felt as viscous as honey, and her breathing became shallow as if a noose was slowly tightening around her neck. Just a little more, and she would be able to pull Viviane free from Amelia's clutches.

"Too bad."

Those two words were enough to shatter Medrauta's world entirely.

At last, she was holding Viviane's hand in hers. But it did not exude the warmth she was so used to.

It was cold.

Viviane's body fell forward, slumping loosely against Medrauta's chest. Though her own heart continued to beat rapidly, she could feel nothing from Viviane's. The silver armor surrounding Medrauta flickered and faded away. The power of the Lake departed from her body.

For the first time since she'd met Viviane, Medrauta truly felt alone.

Amelia smirked, a vortex of crimson whirling around her blade. With a single stroke, she had extracted all the blood she needed from Viviane's body, leaving barely anything behind. Even after taking what did not belong to her, Amelia had deprived Viviane of her final words.

"How does it feel, Medrauta?" Amelia asked. "How does it feel to have the one you love most taken from you?"

Medrauta didn't answer. She fell to her knees, cradling Viviane's lifeless body as delicately as she could. When she first began ascending the Spire, she knew it wouldn't be a smooth ride, but she figured it would all work out in the end like it always had. So long as she and Viviane were together, they would emerge victorious. That was how it was supposed to be.

The silver-haired knight continued to stare at Viviane's body without blinking, as if hoping the noblewoman's eyes would suddenly open and the gaping wound in her chest would magically close up. But nothing happened. The only thing that filled the air was the sound of silence and the echoes of Amelia's footsteps ringing through the air.

"Take your time to savor the suffering, Medrauta. It's the last thing you'll ever feel." Amelia said as she ascended the dais to her throne, allowing the torrent of spinning blood around her sword to fall upon the still-bound princess. "After all, I've been there too. My emotions left me the moment your mother took the life of mine."

Medrauta twitched in response to Amelia's words. If Amelia had done this all for the sake of taking vengeance on Morgana's actions, then there was still one last thing for Medrauta to do before she joined Viviane on the other side.

Gently, she laid her lady's still body onto the floor, leaning down to offer Viviane one final kiss before standing up. After finishing off Amelia, Medrauta would plunge her sword through her own heart. Though she had prepared to steel herself for this conclusion, a hoarse voice called out to her as she rose. Much to her surprise, it was Merlynne.

"...Do not abandon all hope yet, Medrauta..." Merlynne rasped. "I... shall watch over her in your absence..."

Is she saying there's still a chance for Vivi to live...? Medrauta paused, not knowing how to respond. It took a moment for her to realize that things simply couldn't get worse. Allowing Merlynne to try whatever it was she had planned couldn't possibly make things more terrible than they already were. In the worst case scenario, she'd just have to kill Merlynne too.

"I'll entrust her to you then, Lady Merlynne." Medrauta whispered. "Wait for me, Vivi. I'll be back soon."

Medrauta turned, facing Amelia with unwavering eyes and a resolute stance. With sword in hand, the knight advanced toward the witch undaunted. Though she no longer had the power of a Crest to supplement her abilities, she felt no fear. The fate of the empire was no longer important to her, nor was stopping the ritual.

The only thing she needed to do was slay Amelia once and for all.

Without the power of the Lake, it seemed as though her goal was a lost cause, but she knew otherwise. As powerful as she seemed to be, Amelia was just another witch, and the Oath-wielding Paladins of yore had slain witches aplenty.

More importantly, she had slain a witch already.

"...There's just one thing you need to know, Amelia."

"Oh?" Amelia raised an eyebrow nonchalantly. In truth, she was rather surprised at Medrauta's advance. She thought the knight's spirit had been irreparably shattered with Viviane's death.

"My mother wasn't the one who killed Morgause. I am."

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