Chapter 6- Hell isnt fun

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her hands took off her mask.
tied her hair and bowed down in a bit of disrespect.

"Master Tai.
I am Hao Ying of the Liang Province. Daughter of Wa Su Ying.
And I have a suggestion to make. Zhao Xi.
The potential warrior of the Seven Dragons role is suddenly captured by your hands. the reason for her sudden capture is because she was training in the mountains...
passing out due to fatigue. so I recommend you give her to me and we won't have any problems."

"And why should I give an important specimen to a mere child like you. I don't give a damn if you are part of a dynasty, a royalty faction, or a heritage whatever.
But zhao is the key to defeating this issue we have all across china. The key to defeating the threat. The key to being a HERO."
hao's eyes dimmed in a bit of irriation.

"You really think that's what she is?"

"Of course. we all heard the news that she's a warrior in the future. so why wouldn't the population of china depend on her to save us from this...threat we got going on here? we are in a fragile situation."


"A-Excuse me?"

Hao rose her blade up again.
having wind gush at her palm.

"she's a warrior within herself. she's powerful in her own way. sure.
She can be a pain in the ass, be a cocky son of a baby tomato, or just be a foodacholic. but she had taken in the determination to take this future seriously! I believe in her. and so..I'll make a little deal."

a pack of cowie shells been dropped all the way on the floor.

"What is this.💢"

"Give her to me, or else this is 60,000 cowie shells. with some extra gold peices to go along with it.
zhao isn't a..
"Important specimen" she is a human. she is a being full of strength and determination to reach her own goals. if you are going to treat her like that, then you aren't worth saving when things go terrible...
let her go.
Let her go, hurry up, and make a decision before i change my mind."

he sighed and had one of his disciples let her out.

"Good... good. what a deal.."


"What are the updates about the situation.
This is about shanxxi."

zhao's chains have been broken in the side of the hall.
"Well. they are trying to think of many things in order to save us from this threat. They are thinking of seeing a warning all across china. possibly doing a broadcast to all of us that this threat is dangerous enough to kill one of my friends like he's a toddler. my friend was one of the light faction masters but..when he died... I just couldn't bear to see someone like him die from just a random threat like this. So I can understand the shanxxi masters a bit. they seem a little shaken up by the situation, to be honest. So we need to stay in caution for any catastrophe that tried to destroy many of us."

"It's the same threat again? how did your friend die?"
he threw a painting on the floor with a bunch of old blood spilled in the middle of it.
it's the light faction master he mentioned.

"The story had been told as soon as he been buried.
his clan had been attacked by the same two individuals working for the threat. He wasn't able to fight against them since they knew martial art techniques out of the legends past. Anicent martial art masters do have the permission to have evil use their techniques from beyond the grave..but this is different."

"I get it. I get it-"


Zhao aggressively gave her a hug that pushed her to the ground.

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