Chapter 2

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                            Roxanne's (P.O.V)

"There's a darkness that I've known
And it's shaken me to stone
It kills me you might not know
After all
I know I don't let you see
You mean the world to me."

Freya Ridings' voice rang through the car radio as I went flying down the sweltering streets of California.

I finally decided to put the windows down after roasting in the car for thirty minutes.

My AC wasn't working for some reason and I was supposed to take the car to the shop last week, but I got so busy with school that I just couldn't find the time to do it.

My friend Cody said he'd take a look at the car, but he couldn't seem to fit me in his schedule either. At least, not right now.

My other friend Sandy said that I should just get a new car and even though she was joking, I still thought her suggestion was ridiculous. I had just gotten the Maserati as a Christmas present from my parents last year, so there was no reason why I should be getting a new car. Furthermore, there should be no reason for why the car wasn't working.

I guess I was just going to have to buckle down, take a good look at my schedule and make time to go to the shop if I wanted to get my AC fixed.

I was about to turn the music up when my phone started ringing.

I glanced over to where my iphone was on the passenger seat and picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi, it's Sandy."

"Hey, what's up?"

"We were done with school a while ago and you're still not home. You told me that you were going to go shopping after school for the party today, so I take it we're still on for tonight?"

Sandy's been my friend since kindergarten when I punched a guy in the face at recess for pushing her down just because she wouldn't let him have her basketball. That boy was Cody. He was my other friend that thought I was brave for hitting him and asked if we could all be friends. Of course, I said yes after he had apologized to Sandy for pushing her down. Ever since that day, we've all been friends throughout our childhood. We made a pact that we would follow each other to college and we did. Cody and Sandy made a pact that they would marry each other when they turned 32 if they weren't married to other people by then. I didn't really understand their pact, because Cody was gay and Sandy was obsessed with Ethan Gunn who was another guy that grew up with us. I told them that if they could actually make that work, I'd be the maid of honor and the best man at their wedding and they agreed.

"Yeah, it's kind of too late to cancel on everyone now."

"Roxanne, I know you haven't been feeling well lately so if you're not up for this we can reschedule." I could tell she was worried.

"I'll be fine. Plus, I will see the doctor tomorrow, so we'll finally find out what's been going on with me," I said to reassure her. Through this conversation I had to make a U-turn at the light after I got off the highway because I had missed my exit.

Two months ago I started feeling sick out of nowhere. At first, it was just stomach aches and me not being able to keep anything down. Then, it went to me getting chills and sweating like crazy in the middle of the night.

And as the days went on bruises started appearing on my body and I would get nose bleeds out of nowhere. I was terrified because I didn't know what was going on, so I went to the doctor and we spent the last two months taking tests.

I am going to get all the test results back during my next visit to the doctors. I couldn't wait to finally get those test results. I just hope what's going on ISN'T what I think is going on. Growing up, I had childhood cancer and it went away when I got to middle school. I just hoped it wasn't back or something crazy like that.

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