Chapter 8- The Revenge

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It's been several days since Edmund visited Elizabeth, and she seemed a little off, but maybe that was because Elizabeth was locked in the dungeons, so Edmund felt he should give her some space. 

Today he decided to go back down there to talk to her. "Eliza? Love, I know thou art mad at the world, but doth not ignore me, please." Elizabeth sighed "Since thou hast ignored me-" "I didst not, I gave thee space." "I've found a useful spell, and I'm not telling anyone but thee. We art keeping it between us. It'll save me from any danger. I know the king will hang my sisters and myself, but I can use it to save me from dying."Edmund raised his eyebrows " Art thee going to doth it?" "Aye, if it means it'll guarantee my safety." 

"Eliza, who art thee talking to?" asked Hannah, who had just woken up "Who else doth thee think?" Elizabeth said sarcastically. A guard had now arrived in the hall and looked between Edmund and then the three sisters and then back at Edmund. He sighed and shook his head, too tired to deal with the prince. Edmund moved so the guard could unlock the doors and held Eliza's arm in one hand and both Hannah's and Katherine's arms in the other. Edmund had to follow them. He noticed they were walking into the throne room. 

Father must have requested to see them. 

"Thank thee." said the king, and the guard bowed and left. The king first turned to Edmund "I told thee to not do anything with these three, and what doth thee doth? Thou defy my orders and associate thyself with the oldest and, not to mention, the most dangerous, Elizabeth." Edmund turned his head towards Elizabeth, who gave him a smirk and a small wave. 

Once the king scolded his rebellious son, he finally walked up to the three sisters. "I have called thee for a small favor." Eliza raised an eyebrow telling him she was interested "All I need from thee, for now, is to acquire the Governor and bring him to me." Elizabeth looked at her sisters and then looked back at the king "And why shalt we doth that?" "Because I know, deep down, thou hast wanted to get back at him for murdering thy parents all those years ago, and this is thy chance to be free with all charges dropped." 

Edmund looked at his father, shocked that he was even thinking about letting them go after everything they had done for the last six years. "How doth I knoweth, thou art telling the truth?" The king laughed lightly "Ha, I am the king, and if thee agree upon this deal, thou wouldst get to be free, and I will even let thee be with my son." Elizabeth looked at Edmund when the king mentioned the slight possibility she could be with Edmund. 

That is what got her to agree with the king. 

"Wonderful, I will let the three of thee free. I only ask that I want the Governor here in three days' time." The king was pleased that Elizabeth was willing to agree with him. Elizabeth and her sisters made their way back to their childhood home. They walked through the town with people staring at them, and the people gave them a quizzing look as if they were the ones who knew Edmund had followed the girls to their home. 

Elizabeth didn't know until she turned to close the door and saw Edmund walking up to their door. She gave him a quizzed look "Edmund? What art thou doing here?" Edmund didn't say anything but walked up to her and kissed her "I'm here to help," he said breathlessly "I'm not going anywhere, and I'm not going to listen to what my father says." Elizabeth only raised her eyebrows in question but let it slide.

She and Edmund walked into their old kitchen and sat at the table. Elizabeth sat at the head of the table, Edmund sat next to her on her left, on her right sat Kathrine, and on her right, sat Hannah. Eliza sat up straight, keeping an empty expression as she thought of a plan to kidnap the Governor. When she got an idea, she immediately formed an evil smirk on her face. She glanced at her lover, then her loving sisters who would do anything for their older sister. "Well?" asked Edmund. Elizabeth looked at him and then back at her sisters. "I have a job for both of thee. Thou will be the ones to kidnap Johnny while Edmund and I do a little something." she smirked again, Edmund, worried about what she was thinking "What dost thee mean 'a little something' should I be worried, love?" She shook her head "I'll tell thee when we follow through with this plan." "So, art we going to commit some arson?" asked Hannah "Can we please burn down Johnny's house?" "No!" Elizabeth shouted at Hannah. "Doth not get too excited. I will be doing the arson while thoust will take John to the king."

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