Chapter 4 - Get Out of There

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Eliza sighed and fixed her dress as she and her sisters left home. They tried to look as innocent as possible. Edmund watched their movements after witnessing what the girls did overnight. He wondered what they did with the girl, so he decided to go up to the sisters. He walked up right behind Elizabeth and whispered in her ear, "Hey, so how was thy night last night?" he saw her tense up. "Uneventful. What about thee?" she asked him, and he tensed. "Um...uneventful. I mean, I couldn't sleep last night, so I just...watched the peaceful town sleep, which I hope thou and thy sisters were doing last night and not causing mayhem in the middle of the night." Elizabeth snickered. "I doth not knoweth what thou mean."

Edmund nodded. "Of course! And how is dear little Emily Ivel? I heard she went missing late last night. Thou hast nothing to doth with that, doth thee?" She stopped walking, and Edmund walked around to face her. "What art thee trying to do, huh? If thou art trying to frame me for such thi-" Edmund interrupts her.

"Nay! I'm not trying to frame thee, Eliza, I'm just simply asking about last night and why thou art trying to tell me that thou never took Emily! Look, I knoweth what happened. What is going on, Eliza? Please tell me, I beg of thee!" They were standing very close to each other now. "I'm sorry, but I can not bid thee why. All I can sayeth is that 't must be done." Eliza then walked away to continue finding the ingredients for the potion she planned to make. It was simple. She would give it to little Ivel to kill her before the townspeople find her.

Back home, Eliza used her spellbook to follow the instructions for the potion. Emily was locked in the basement to prevent her from escaping or anyone from finding her. "Hannah, stop tormenting our victim. Katherine, come and stir that. I will be right back; I need to have a small chat with a certain prince." Katherine took the spoon from Eliza and began mixing. Hannah came over and added another ingredient. Eliza stormed to the front door and opened it harshly. "What doth thou want? Can't thou see I'm busy?" Edmund put his hands up. "Whoah, what hast happened to thee?" Elizabeth crossed her arms. "A lot of things have happened, Edmund."

"Look, I just want my best friend back. Thou hast been acting weird since the festival. I mean, I knoweth thou hast Emily, and I'm not going to take her and ruin whatever thy art up to, but thou hast to, at least, tell me what thou art doing." Eliza suddenly found her feet very interesting. "I didst not knoweth thou felt that way," she said quietly. Suddenly there was a crash coming from inside. Elizabeth and Edmund's eyes widened as their heads turned toward the sound. "What was that?" asked Edmund. "I don't knoweth" Elizabeth ran back inside quickly, and Edmund followed her.

Inside, Eliza and Edmund see Hannah and Katherine in the same position they were in when the crash happened. There was a broken glass vial in Hannah's hand, and Katherine leaned over Hannah with her arm reaching out as if she was trying to catch the other glass vial that broke into pieces on the floor. "What is the meaning of this?" asked Eliza. Hannah and Katherine gasped and changed their position to standing, looking at Elizabeth horrified. "She didst it." they both said. "I didst not. Thou were in the way." said Katherine. Eliza huffed. "I don't care who didst 't. Someone just needs to tell me what happened." Katherine spoke up. "I finished brewing the potion, and I needed a vial to pour 't into, and Hannah went to get it, but at the same time as she grabbed it, she knocked over another one, and I tried to runeth and grab it, and all Hannah didst was stand there and watch. The vial broke, and that's when thou and Edmund came in."

Eliza has had enough of her sisters' stupidity that day. She stormed over to Hannah, grabbed the vial, and then went to the cauldron to pour the potion into the vial. "'Tis perfect, sisters. Now-" Edmund interrupted her. "I'm sorry, didst I miss something....didst thou sayeth "potion" or have I finally lost it?" Hannah jumped to Edmund. "Thou didst hear us correctly. We art making a poti-" Katherine put her hand on Hannah's mouth. "No! Doth not listen to her. She doesn't knoweth what she's saying, right Eliza?" Elizabeth looked up after she put the cork on the vial. "What?" "Just say aye, Eliza." "Uh, no, I will not doth that. Nice try, though."

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