Chapter 6 - Caught

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Elizabeth and Edmund turned and noticed the whole town was now gathered where they were standing. "What do we doth?" Edmund whispered in Eliza's ear "Simple, we run." she said dryly. He looked at her dumbfounded "What? Run?! Art thee crazy? That's my father and Ivel there's no way we could run." They noticed everyone was ready for them to run. There was no way they could get out of there. Eliza spotted Hannah and Katherine being grabbed by two guards. She heard them yelling to let them go. "Oh, wouldst thee look at that. All three Stregacattivo sisters return and get caught doing so." announced the Governor. Elizabeth growled. "Leave my sisters alone. They have nothing to do with this. It's me thou want not them." Edmund grabbed Eliza's arm, and as he did that the king noticed this movement. 

The townspeople began to inch closer to Edmund and Elizabeth, but they ran toward her old home, and once they got there, they quickly ran inside and locked the door, and Edmund grabbed a chair to keep people from getting inside. "Thou idiot, that's not going to doth anything!" Eliza shouted as she opened the door to the basement. "Well, what doth thee want me to doth?" she groaned out of frustration "There should be stuff in the chest over there. Careful, it's heavy." Edmund pushed the chest in front of the door, replacing the chair. When he finished, he went downstairs to the basement, where Elizabeth was sitting on the ground against the wall. Elizabeth got up and quickly put her blood lock spell on the door. She didn't get to check if it was actually locked because Edmund grabbed her. They heard people banging on the door and shouting for them. They managed to break down the door, and Eliza tried not to scream.  

"Well, this didst not go so well," Edmund said sarcastically. Eliza rolled her eyes as she secretly checked the door. She noticed that it wasn't locked, so she must have done something wrong. 

I must have done something wrong. It must have been the improper hand motion. Why must this happen at a time like this?

They heard shouting from upstairs, and they both stared at each other. They knew they could not hide forever. "We hast to leave. We've got no choice," said Elizabeth, who was panicking. Edmund groaned "If we leave, Elizabeth, they will catch not just you but me as well. I can not afford that. I'm the prince." he laughed, even though he knew she was right. "Edmund, I am serious right now. We- hast- to leave- right- now," she said in a serious tone and with a straight face. Edmund sighed and looked up when he heard a crash on the door that had locked them into the basement. 

Edmund looked at Elizabeth. He noticed her face had gone pale. There was another crash on the door. The wood had cracked and created a hole. Elizabeth screamed and clung to Edmund. The king and the Governor stood in front of the hole, smirking. They knew they had caught Elizabeth.

This is it, she thought, They've finally got what they want, and they get Edmund with me too.

"Edmund, I wouldst hast thought that thee wouldst knoweth better," said the king "But clearly.." He eyed Elizabeth "Thou hast other ideas." Edmund tried to step closer, but Eliza wouldn't let him. "Father I-" "Edmund-" she said warningly. The Governor was becoming impatient, so he unlocked the door and let everyone in the room. Edmund and Elizabeth backed up further until a wall hit their backs. "I thought thou said thee used the blood lock spell on the door," Edmund whispered to Elizabeth. "I could hast sworn I didst." 

The Governor had a wicked grin as he said "Get them." four guards came forward and grabbed Edmund and Elizabeth, one on each side of them holding their arms back. Elizabeth struggled against the guards, but they held on tightly. Edmund was trying to tell his father he was being rash and that this was unnecessary. "Father, please, I'm thy son! What wouldst mother say if she knew how thou hast treated me?" "Thy mother is dead, Edmund. Grow up. She's not coming back." the king growled at his son. Crowds booed as Edmund and Elizabeth walked down the street to the palace with the guards at their sides. 


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