Chapter 7

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This is the start of the good route, the previous chapter ended with the bad/sad route and that part of the story is done. There will be no more written for that. I'm not sure how long this fic will be, so far it's five chapters longer than I had planned for and I'm not sure how much longer it'll be.

"Hey Trollex, why did you kiss me?" Fuck, that was not how I wanted to start this conversation. But the question had been eating away at her; she needed to know precisely how Trollex viewed her. "Why did you kiss me back?"

Wait. He can't do that! Her eyes widened comically while he grinned. "That's not fair, I asked you first." She complained. Trollex chuckled and leaned in for a quick kiss again before answering. "Because I like you. Why did you kiss me back?" She hadn't expected him to throw that back at her.

He rolled his eyes and offered the answer when she didn't reply. "Because you like me." As he spoke those words, a wave of realization crashed over Ash. Even though she hadn't known him long, they seemed to connect quickly. He listens to her rambling about her interest and love for history; he shows interest in it. He praises her cooking; she wants to cook for him. While she might like cooking and cooking for her friends, unless it was a new recipe or they asked, she never bothered much with cooking for them or felt she wanted to cook for people. Baking was a bit different, but she did enjoy baking for her friends. But she wanted to cook for Trollex, so he would like her food. His interest in her was almost breathtaking. Also, she wanted to know more about him. His interest, history, passions, just everything. She likes him. "Grandma is going to kill me." She whispered to herself as everything started to come full circle for her. Trollex grinned, "My finfolk aren't going to be upset, but they'll be surprised."

"Your finfolk?" She questioned.

"I'm the king; they're all under my protection."

Ash shot up. "Wait, King? You're joking, right?" Trollex shrugged and held up her phone, "Why would I joke about that? Human history is interesting; show me more?" He questioned.

"No, we aren't just going to skirt by the fact you're a king, and you're trying to skirt by your confession! If you're actually a king, don't you have important stuff to do? More important than hanging out with a random human?" Trollex eyed her. "You're the most important thing I need to focus on at the moment."

She scoffed. "What? How am I the most important? I find that hard to believe when you're a king. How big is it? Your home, I mean. Since you have so much free time to focus on me, are there only a few other Finfolk?"

Trollex watched as she rambled about how ridiculous it was of an idea that he'd be spending his free time with her. "Because I like you." He reminded. "Also, you're the only human from more recent generations that's welcomed one of us. You know a lot more than the humans who live with us. Isn't it important to keep up with modern technology and the happenings of humans?"

"Trollex, you're watching videos about ancient civilizations." She tried to call him out, but he nodded. "You love ancient history; your interests are important to me. Also, I find it interesting. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it, right?" She wondered if he had heard that somewhere before or if it appeared in one of the many videos he'd watched since they'd met. He isn't wrong. "What about the humans who live with the other finfolk?"

"The humans are over seventy, so they're behind with what's been happening in the world. They could return, but they choose not to."

"Why not?"

Trollex X OCजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें