Chapter 1

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"This will be fun; you love the beach."

A young teenager stood beside her father pouting. "Yeah, but grandma is crazy. She doesn't let me go near the beach."

"Come on Ash, it's not that bad. You're older now so you'll have more freedom." Dan, the father had just recently lost his job he decided it would be best to move back into his childhood home for the time being. A small coastal town normally would be a great move; however, this town has hung onto century-old legends and most people fear getting too close to the water.

"Listen, when Grandma says to stay away from the beach just agree. It's pointless to argue with someone her age. It'll make her happy she thinks you're listening, and you'll have freedom to actually go down to the water. Now, let's take our luggage inside." Dan grabbed a spare key under the welcome mat to open the door.

"Mom? We're home." He called out. The house was a decent size beach house that smelled faintly of the ocean and had the scent most old people tended to have.

"Ash, you've grown so much since I last saw you!" An older woman with short white hair pushed past Dan to wrap her arms around the young teenager. "It's so nice to see you, I'm so glad the two of you are going to stay with me awhile." She pulled away to turn to her son and pulled him into a hug.

"Thanks for letting us stay mom."

"Of course, as long as I'm alive my door will always be open for you." The woman grinned.

"The same goes for you, once you're an adult if you ever feel like you have nowhere to go my door will always be open." She pulled her granddaughter into another hug as she spoke. "I love you both so much. Now go, unpack your things and dinner will be ready shortly."
Ash grabbed her suitcase and walked down the short hall to the room at the end on the right. It looked just like she remembered, a large queen size bed on the left with plain light blue sheets and comforter. A closet across from the bed and a small dresser to the left of the closet. The view from the window wasn't too impressive, her grandmother's small garden. Ash tossed the suitcase on the bed and opened it; she had only packed the basics. The moving truck that had everything else would be arriving in the next few days, though most would be going into storage. With a sigh, she went ahead and dumped everything on the bed, then grabbed some hangers from the closet. Halfway through hanging everything grandma called for her.

"Ash, it's time for dinner."

"I'm coming."

A few different dishes were laid out on the table. Ash sat at the end of the table; the same spot she'd take every year they visited her grandmother. Though this was the first time in three years she sat at the spot. Her family had started passing on the vacations at grandma's house to have proper vacations where they could actually go on the beach and not have anyone panicking about the monsters or whatever it was supposed to be that lurked in the water, kidnapping humans and taking them as their spouse. It was honestly ridiculous. Ash ate silently, listening to her father and grandmother talk about the town and things that had changed. She finished the dinner as they continued talking and stood quickly excusing herself.

"Where are you going?" Grandma questioned as Ash walked towards the door.

"I just wanted to go for a walk before it gets too dark." Her grandmother quickly stood.

"Wait, I want you to take something." She walked to her room and Ash followed, watching the woman take something from a jewelry box. "Here, take this. If you run into one of them toss this, they have a weakness for silver, and you can escape while they go after it."

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