Chapter 4

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Ash pulled away from the finman. "Uh, what was that?" She asked shocked. The last thing she was expecting was that.

Trollex tilted his head in confusion then lifted the necklace she gifted him to his face, examining it.

When he didn't respond Ash started to panic. Oh my god, what if that was some way they say thank you and I offended him? Before she could apologize for pulling away from a kiss she didn't consent to. Which would've been a weird thing to apologize for in a normal scenario, but she didn't know enough about his culture. He spoke up. "Wait here."

And just like that he disappeared, leaving the necklace behind. So maybe they're not as obsessed with silver as the folklore made them seem. She sat there awkwardly wondering when he'd return. Maybe a kiss doesn't mean the same thing to them as it does to us. Does he kiss multiple people a day? She grimaced at the thought, who wants to kiss someone who kisses a ton of people? You can spread something like that. I wonder if they have illnesses like we do they would spread. Maybe not if kissing is a thing they often do with random people. She fidgeted with her hair as she ran multiple scenarios through her head.

Luckily for her, he appeared once more before she could lose herself in the scenarios that were starting to get weird. He quickly lifted himself to sit on her left and reached for her hands. She watched him confused as he placed something in her hand. When he removed his hand, she stared at the item he placed in her hands. It looked like a gem, neon green like his hair. Larger than she had ever seen a gem, covering half of her palm and rugged. "Will you accept it?" He questioned.

"Are you sure? I don't know." She turned the green gem around in her hands, curious what type it could be, or if it was even a gem at all. It could be something expensive and valuable. Another thing she'd have to research on. The finman deflated at her comment. "Is it not big enough?" He turned to look back at the ocean, racking his mind to think of something else more suitable if it wasn't enough.

Ash quickly shook her head, I thought it was too much, but now he thinks I think it isn't enough. "Of course, it's big enough! It's more than big enough. I just wanted to make sure you truly want to give it to me, you know?"

Trollex reached for the silver necklace she had gifted him. "Are you sure you?" He questioned, holding it towards her face. His bright green eyes stared into her hazel eyes. "I'm sure! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, I love it, the color is beautiful." Ash looked down once more at the gem that seemed to be glowing. Crap, well now I feel bad. This looks like it's worth so much more than just that necklace I got him. The last thing she was expecting was him deciding to get her a gift too, one most likely worth more than the one she had gotten him.

Ash tapped her fingers against the stone, I have to get him something else. As she wracked her brain trying to think of a good gift that seemed less cheap compared to what he had gotten her, her phone pinged. Trollex tilted his head leaning forward to see the object Ash picked up. "Oh, I forgot what day it is, being here the days kind of ran all together." She mumbled swiping up to unlock the phone. "What is it?" A curious look crossed the finman's face. "My phone." Ash lifted it sliding across the different apps to show him "I got a notification from this app" she mumbled as she clicked on the orange square. "My favorite show at the moment just released a new episode." She grinned, planning to head home to watch it because the last one ended on a cliffhanger, though as she was about to stand Trollex moved closer to look at the phone. His curious expression caused her to relax more into a comfortable position. I can't just leave him here like this, but we can't watch this when he hasn't seen the first season. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" She still needed to let her hair dry more anyway before she returned home. "Movie?"

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