Chapter 3

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Ash sat at her desk with a notebook and pen in front of her. Making  notes of the finfolk stories to question Trollex about. There was so  much information she was sure if she didn't take notes, she'd forget to  bring up something.

Honestly, she was still caught up in the fact  the women were called finwives instead of finwomen. She tapped the pen  against her notebook, and she thought more about everything she came  across. She struggled with the supposed appearance of finmen, some pages  mentioned the men having hollowed faces and not that attractive though  they seemed to be like a human from the waist up, however, some art she  found showed the finfolk with fish heads that looked really creepy with  sharp teeth, huge yellow eyes, and it had limbs shaped like a human  though webbed and covered in scale.

She searched more and  struggled to come up that much more. She even contacted her one friend  that lives in Scotland, according to her she's never heard of finfolk,  so were finfolk just not a common legend, or had her friend somehow  missed a huge part of her country's history regarding legends?  Obviously, the legend wasn't on the same level as the Loch Ness Monster  though.

Her friend didn't find it as funny as Ash had when she  questioned if she'd heard of the Loch Ness Monster since she hadn't  heard of finfolk. She was hoping her friend could at least clear up what  the Scottish thought finfolk looked like.

"Ash? It's time for lunch." Dan knocked on his daughter's door. "Come on."

She sighed and closed the notebook.

Ash  sat across from her grandmother, the stories of finfolk playing through  her mind. She wanted to ask the woman in front of her about it. No, she  needed to keep her mouth shut. She would be speaking to Trollex about  it in a few hours.

Her grandmother spoke about some tv show she  had recently started watching and how she couldn't believe how vulgar  some of the stuff she's seen on it has been.

"If it's that bad mom, why do you continue watching it?"

The older lady bristled, and Ash tightened the grip her on her fork to keep herself from slapping her forehead.

The  rest of lunch was awkwardly tense, Jo huffed about the younger  generations every few minutes while Dan scoffed at every jab towards  him. It was ridiculous how immature they were acting all over a comment  about a tv show. Ash quickly ate the last of her food and stood to place  the dish in the sink.

"I'm going for a walk."

"Do you have the chain I gave you?"

"Yes, grandma."

She stepped into her bedroom to get the notebook she'd been writing notes in and headed out the door.

It was still early, Trollex wouldn't be at the cave for a few more hours.

Maybe  I should walk around town? She thought. It wasn't a tourist town so  there were no shops to buy tacky souvenir in. Still, she was curious if  there were any interesting shops though. I might be able to find a gift  for Trollex.

She grinned at the thought.

Walking through  the small town, she did eventually come across a tiny shop that you  would easily miss if you weren't paying much attention. It was dark  compared to the large brightly lit shops around it and it didn't exactly  look welcoming, still Ash couldn't help but be curious about the shop.

As  she entered the shop her eyes widened. There were a lot of odd things  around. Are those lizards? Ash thought to herself as she looked closer  at some dried lizards in bags.

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