No, he did not try, but still, he did try to try. And that counts.

He took a deep breath, controlled his feelings and knocked. He actually hope she will not open, and he takes his chance to say 'I came but you didn't open upon knocking so I left.' So he knocked second time. Because he was taught to knock three times max and walk away. So he knocked the third without leaving a good interval in between the knocks because he would like to apply the rule as soon as now. So he sighed, a deep sigh, counting in his head and as he was about to turn and walk away, she opened. And his breath actually knocked out of his lungs.

One thing he has noticed is she loves them long maxi dresses. Capturing the figures so well. Heavy looking boobs he could suffocate there. Ass so big he would like to crushed under as she sits on his face.

"Oh hello there, you came."

"Of course I came," he said play it chill, play it cool.

"Oh, umm, come in please," she smiled nervously. Did he say something wrong?

So he walked in, totally not watching her ass swinging and bouncing and his vivid dream just showed how it bounced on his dick and he whimpered. He actually did. She looked back and tilted her head to the side, her beautiful curl bouncing on her head. Even her hair bounced. He will die here today, a happy man.

"Are you okay?"

"Mmhh, yeah, I just hit my pinky toe on a table when I was on the way, I could still feel the pain." He totally did not pull that bull from his ass.

"God, because why do I feel that," she made a pained face to which his brain translated to 'this her face when she comes'. So yeah, he was indeed a pervert.

"Mmhh, a pain it is," PLAY IT COOL! PLAY IT COOL!

She smiled awkwardly and mumbled 'this way' and then stopped.

"Would you like something to drink first?"

"No," he said curtly. One thing he would like, is get out of here and rub one out before he actually whimpered and moaned and shuddered in front of her, and calling out her name. Please imagine the embarrassment that would be.

"Oh, sorry then," she said awkwardly and he could hear that dejected voice. She was trying to be kind and he sounded like an asshole. So he covered it up.

"No need to apologize, I would like a drink later when I am done." she still stared awkwardly and he summoned his inner confidence and added, "I will be honest, your house smells absolutely divine right now, and if I were to sit down and have a drink, I know will not get up and do anything, I might even crush here," okay he went to far at the end but it seemed to do the thing because she smiled at him and mumbled a thank you shyly.

Truthfully speaking her house did indeed smell lovely, all the herbs and bread and garlic. Heavenly. He just did not notice right from the get go because nothing really, just perverted thoughts. But now he notices, he was doomed. She was sex on legs and she could cook, please. He is planning marriage and 4 kids and a little garden and about 6 cats because he doesn't fuck with dogs. And he speaks from a point of being chased and bitten and chased some more. Menaces if you ask him.

So he followed her, up the stairs, and now he notices, she has done a lot of changes around there. Like previously when he came in that house to face his demons, he would remember each and every detail of his pain on the exact place it was. That fireplace, that corner near the window, the switch under the table. Now all he sees is perfectly placed couches, books all over, wallpapers. Different coloured walls. He could still recall the traumatic places, but now what came over his head was, 'wow a fantastic wallpaper' 'she reads all those books'. This girl is unknowingly helping him and he almost grabbed her and kissed her for that. He stopped right in front of the room she was opening and held his breath. This was his previous room, and he hated it. All he hoped she did tremendous changes to help him to recall the details of his shitty childhood. So he walked in

And she did not disappoint. There was a gigantic king size bed, a dark wallpaper all around, a huge chandelier, looked like its dripping diamonds, and LED lights all around. The looked purple. That bed looked comfy, that's a good thought. These LED light is giving bomb sex, and God did it smell fantastic in there. So good his knees almost buckled. He was feeling calmed, and in clouds grooving to still with you by Jungkook in slow-reverb. Safe to say he will not be pissed after he walked away.

Then the sensuality was interrupted with, her turning off the LED lights and switching the chandelier off and on, colours changing from blue to green to red to orange to finally bright white and the room looked like the kind you will wake up at 11 with sun shining and he watches as she dressed for whatever she would be dressing for. Yes, he indeed liked where his imagination was going.

"So, the window is right here, that side is blocked by this haunting ass looking building so no sunshine shined here, ever since I stepped foot here," she said. "But Sammy said that will not stop anyone from sneaking in, is just two storeys, nothing a ladder won't assist."

"Sammy did not lie." he nodded thoughtfully.

"Yeah, so like yeah, this is where that needs fixing." she moved aside gesturing a 'welcome in please', to where the window was. And she was adorable. This could not get any better.

So he walked towards the window and checked, and pinpointed the problem. An easy thing. Get done with it and he could maybe have that drink and maybe talk. She seemed an easy going, a conversation worthy kind of person. So he looked back at her.

"Nothing hard to fix, I will probably be done with it in 30mins, no need to change the window, just tighten some screws and glue the window tightly and we done." he said looking at the window again, nodding.

"Oh, how much would that be then?"

She just saw him as a window fixer, a damn plumber you call to fix you clogged toilet and he was struggling to maintain child friendly thoughts.

So he looked back at her and raised an eyebrow. "Really? We paying now? I am doing this out of the goodness of my heart, totally was not forced by Sammy and my conscience."

She laughed. It was hearty and beautiful and contagious. He smiled at that.

"Well then, let's be done here, and I pay you with good food and drinks, yeah, how about that?"

"Heavily agree."

And his eyes fell on something behind her, to her left. Well will you look at that, a dildo, smaller than his, totally not patting himself, but still a dildo. And he was annoyed. Leave it to him to beef with a dildo.

He averted his sight quickly before she caught on and it was too late because she looked at his direction of sight and he watched her eyes widen and hand covering her mouth and he could hear her gasp.

Well how should he solve this awkwardness she has created for both of them?

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