Chapter Nine

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Meanwhile Joshua at 4:55p.m, in front of Lizzie's house contemplating his entire existence, and reasons why he should be standing here, and the chances of him getting out sane, if not dead out of here when he is done.

Arguing with a sibling honestly just annoyed to him the max. Considering his only favourite sibling is the one in question. And Sammy just walked out, slammed the door on the way out. He really hated when Sammy and him argued. Yes, she is older than him by two years, but where is she getting the right to coddle him to death. He has made it abundantly clear that he was fine, emotionally and mentally. Sammy doesn't seem to hear, and she posed the challenge,

"If you are sure you are fine as you say, why are you getting out of helping that poor girl?"

Like he just doesn't want to revisit his trauma place. Is that Rocket science?

And the 'poor girl' in question, yeah he only knows her from 'a dozen muffins, and cookies and whatnot' but he knows damn well she will knock dead anyone who tried even peeping by accident.

And most of all, he has had the most vivid sex dream of her, and he is not sure how on earth he will face her without having a mental image of the dream. And the worst part, is having a fucking photographic memory, and the memory in question is as fresh as last night, therefore details were detailing.

Now he stands in front of the damn haunted house of his life, but he is not exactly thinking of how it haunted him, like he said he is fine, but what he thinks as he stands here, is Lizzie, as Sammy kept calling her, in doggy style, her legs spread so wide, her back arching so well, her chest on the bed, face placed on the pillow, hands grabbing the sheets so tight it could rip, and the moaning, Dear God the moaning, he could hear it, so damn well. And she was wet. He could feel her juices all over him, even running down her thighs, and him, please, you cannot give him such beauty and expect him to fumble, he thrusted, and he did it precise and hard. He had to shake his head, because the memory was going down the lane, and down his dick as well. Dear God, the dream is still fresh and vivid, he almost walked back home and wait for a miracle to forget it.

Do you know what was worse? He never acknowledged her. Like sure, she was beauty to behold. Body so gorgeous Aphrodite herself would be vexed she would come and curse her, Britain Medusa Edition. If he were the person he was back in London, he would have already seduced. But he was a better person now, no more fucking around and he trained his body and mind to know that. So when she first came to his bakery, the only thought was, 'Oh someone new, a beautiful one at that, the gossips will get juicier around here'. And he never thought again.

But after the argument last night with Sammy provoking his issues, and Sammy's clear intentions was to set him up with her, otherwise she would never suggest, leave alone send him to that wretched house. And when she left and he replayed the argument in his head, thinking of all the things he could have said, he also pondered her reasoning. Which went like,

"Like I do not see why she would even think the lady and I would even remotely look each like that? Please has she not seen how she looks at the cakes and muffins? She is clearly uninterested in me. Okay, she is honestly banging, but I don't actually bang no more, pretty sure I forgot how to."

"Really? Could I forget, please, I made it rain. Like, let me recall."

And he did, but because Lizzie was the main topic of banging, his brain went ahead of him and he recalled his actions that apparently 'made it rain'. But he stopped, he started feeling all the pent up feelings he suppressed all those years.

But when he closed his eyes that night to sleep, his brain finished the imagination. And he did indeed finish, literally. So when he woke all he could think about was her, he tried to forget, he really did.

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