Chapter Three

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It was her turn to place her order, and people were getting lesser and lesser in the bakery.

"Hi, Lizzie, you are here, again," Sammy said.

Sammy, has been working here just as much as Lizzie has been in town. She remembers when they both got off the train, not one word exchanged between them. And suddenly "reuniting" when she first comes in the bakery and sees Sammy working there. After a few words were exchanged, you can say they pretty much like each other.

Sammy is your lesbian stud, veiny hands you want her to choke you, extremely long hair, and black, the blackest silkiest you can ever find, until she ties it up and you see the undercut. Oh, did she forget to mention the well defined six pack abs when she is wearing the black sport bra paired with black sweatpants? Oh wait, did she also forget to mention tribal tattoos as well.

And then it clicks to her, similar features, tattoos, and extreme attractiveness?

Are they related? Lizzie thought to herself

If Elizabeth was not straight, she would be on her knees every single day for Sammy.

"You know me so well, listen, before I order, are you related to him?" She asked, tilting her head to the baker's side. Sue her, but she wouldn't sleep peacefully without knowing this.

"Who, Joshua?"

"His name is Joshua?"

"So Joshua, huh. Yes, half brother, and yes, his name is Joshua, mandem was pushed out of his mom's cunt and named him Joshua. You should've seen dad's face and his side of the family. Mortified is not even describing." She chuckled.

"Oh, his mom isn't Polynesian?"

"We are originally from Hawaii, and no his mom was Japanese Korean, a mad woman, tell you that."

"Sammy, why are you not shy of spilling the family's secrets?" Lizzie leaned closer, smiling creepily.

"Honey, that is no secret, trust me."

"Huh? What do you..."

"What is your order, love?" Sammy said, smirking at Lizzie pinched expression.

"A dozen chocolates chip cookie, half dozen hazelnut cookies and..." She looked around and saw him, now his name Joshua putting peanut butter cookies on display.

"... and peanut butter cookies, half a dozen also," she said.

Listen, she doesn't even like peanut butter. Shoot her, but she wants a closer look at her future husband's face.

"Okay. Move to Joshua's side and get your cookies, I will prepare the rest for ya," Sammy said, dusting her apron and moving to the back.

Lizzie did indeed move to Joshua's side, but she couldn't say anything. Words clogged in her throat.

"Half dozen peanut butter ones?" Joshua asked.

"Oh, umm, yeah. Looks like you heard us."

Did he hear my nosiness as well?! She screamed to herself.

"Mmh," he hummed a yes and started packing her order. Slowly.

"I have a question. Do you mind?" He asked.

Ladies and gentlemen, this man barely makes a conversation with any person except small kids, and he has a question for her. She will answer it with her whole heart.

"Of course!" She might have sounded too eager, but you get why.

"When are you moving?"

"Excuse me?" What did he just say?

"When are you moving?

"Moving? Where?"

"From where you live now?"

"How do you even know where I live?" Is he a creep? Was she too attracted to him to notice creepiness?

"Everyone knows where you live."

"What on earth?!"

"You didn't know?" He stopped packing, looking at her, an eyebrow raised.

"Dear, you live in a supposed haunted house. Everybody is betting when you are leaving that place."

Okay, so he's not a creep. Thank God.

"Haunted? Is that why my window mysteriously opens at night when it is extremely hot? Must be nice ghosts, don't you think?"

"Or maybe the window is broken. Get it fixed before a creep haunts you, darling. Here is your order, cash, or card?"

She handed cash smiling at his forwardness. Now, she has the motivation to fix her window.

Just when she was about to ask him about who could possibly fix her window, Sammy got in with two bags and handed it to her.

"What are you guys saying?"

Joshua brushed past her shoulder and walked away to the back.

"Umm, haunted House and broken windows. Listen, you know anyone who can fix my window?" She asked Sammy instead.

"Love, I am new here, remember?" And she turned to him, "Oi! Dickhead, fix Lizzie's window, will ye?!"

Sammy turned back to her and said, "He will do it." Without even waiting for his answer.

He peaked his head tilting his head to the side and asked, "Did I agree to it?"


"And are you blatantly disagreeing in front of her? Despite knowing she is new and lives in that awful house?"

"I am free tomorrow at 5p.m." He said and went back in.

"Well, hopefully you will sleep well then." Sammy said winking at her.

"Did I agree to it?" Lizzie asked raising her eyebrow, I mean don't get her wrong she is all about Joshua fixing her window but she just wants something to say.

"Walk out of this bakery before I throw you out myself," Sammy said removing her apron and pretending to throw it at her.

Lizzie laughed and walked out, a little skip in her step. Happy she is one step closer to her dream man.

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