Chapter Five

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"LIZZIE!" And she heard bangs on her door.

She jumped out of her bed, and her body fell forward from the sudden movement, mid orgasm, she stayed on the floor shuddering and her legs shaking. This wasn't how she imagined her night to go.

She stayed on the floor a couple more minutes to regain her strength back, ignoring the urgent knocks. They interrupted her, they will now wait. She slowly got up, wrapped herself in her silk floral rob, slowly walked towards her door.

"Lizzie?! Can you...."

"Shut it! Stop Fucking knocking on my damn door!" She was livid alright.

"Who is it? And the fuck do you want?" she grabbed the door knob, twisting it.

"Caught you in a bad time?"


She jumped, like literally jumped on her. And down they went, both of them rolling down the two steps on her front door.

"Might as well kill me, shit, get off man." Julie, short for Juls, grumbled, her ass and back sore from the fall.

"What brought you here? How did you even know I lived here?"

"Get off me first! Jesus, you got heavier."

Lizzie got up, carrying Juls bags with her, jumping like a five year old, all the way to her living room.

Juls was her closest friend in the company she worked. She came in a year later than her, and somehow they hit it off, despite the different personalities. While Lizzie is straight-forward, will talk about how she feels about you without hesitation, will not hesitate to knock someone out, sometimes it was hard to believe she was an introvert if one watched one of her outbursts. As for Juls she was the exact opposite, she will not talk about what made her upset, she will keep it all in, not confront, she is the kind of person who would apologize for absolutely nothing. That didn't keep them apart though. Lizzie taught her a few nice words here and there, toughened her up, you can say.

"What are you doing here? What happened at work?"

"My back hurts, little shit!" She limped to the couch, and slumped on it, breathing out heavily.

"I am exhausted. I got fired, by the way. I may or may not have beaten the fuck out Ken." She said, her words coming out slow, her eyes drooping.

"Want pasta?" Lizzie sat down next to her, pulled Juls towards her and laid her head on her bosom.

"I really missed you boobs, I swear!" Juls wailed, grabbing Lizzie's breast and squeezing it.

"I definitely did not miss my boobs being violated everyday," she swatted her hand and got up, " Want apple juice or Pineapple?"

"Anything cold, honey. You got alcohol? Or you still not drinking?

"I rebuke that shit in the name of God! After last time, I would rather choke!"

"Still cannot believe you stripped at a dinner party," Juls chuckled lowly, throwing her head back on the couch.

"Eat shit and choke on it honestly. You want spicy pasta or regular?" she said as she walked to her kitchen. She really hates cooking, don't get her wrong she really does, although her exceptional skills might give a different idea, but when it comes to people she loves, she would cook something hot and steamy and comforting whenever they need it.

"Spicy please, I want to cry and my asshole on fire." She said, and suddenly her eyes lit up, "Speaking of assholes on fire, I walked in on James on all fours, tears running down his face, and guess who was fucking the life out of him?!"

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