The Prologue (1692)

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 The sisters were sleeping peacefully, although they knew they were going to die. A guard came in and banged on the doors to wake the girls and opened the door to Elizabeth's cell to escort her to her death. Seconds later, another two guards came and got Hannah and Katherine. As Elizabeth was handcuffed and dragged by the guard, she muttered a protection spell that she and Prince Edmund knew of.

They had arrived at the front of the palace where the punishments would occur in the next few minutes. Watching witches die always brought a crowd to the palace's doorstep, and today was no different. Elizabeth had stepped onto the crate and the guard had put the rope around her neck. Elizabeth took a deep breath and looked out to the crowd where she once thought she could trust. She looked to the left and saw her sister, Hannah. This was kind of her fault because she dragged her into this mess six years ago. It was her idea to get back at Governor Ivel for revenge. Hannah was tied to a stake with her hands behind her. The people were burning her alive for her crimes.

She looked over to her littlest sister, Katherine, who was waiting patiently by the large bucket of water, which told the elder sister that she was going to be drowned. Katherine didn't deserve this. It was Elizabeth who convinced them to join her in her revenge and everything else, not Katherine or Hannah. She knew that both her sisters would die before her and she didn't want that for them. She felt as though she had failed to protect her sisters, failing the promise she made to her parents 7 years ago: no matter what, she was going to protect Hannah and Katherine from any danger, but here she was, and here they were, in danger because of Elizabeth.  

The sisters looked at each other and made an unspoken agreement that it was time they were to announce to the people. "......Art there any last words you three wrenches hast to say?" The guard asked the sisters. Elizabeth smirked, "Oh, we've got a few last words we'd like to say." The guard sighed and gestured to let them speak. "I bethink tis rather unfortunate that thou art losing such most wondrous distaff of society," said Elizabeth, still smirking and cackling with her sisters. 

Elizabeth stops cackling and stands up straight "From now on, thy Governors shalt never have a joyous ending and perish in such horrible deaths, so that the people of this town shall at each moment know wherefore they shouldn't mess with the Stregacattivo sisters or any relatives of ours." The witches all cackled even louder. 

As they laughed, the guards in charge of 'punishing' Elizabeth, made eye contact with the guards in charge of the other two sisters. They all silently counted to three, and then they either pushed the crate, set the fire, or dunked each of the sisters respectively. 

AN: I already have the whole story written but for now I'm going to publish the first two chapters.

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