The Museum ⚠︎✍︎

Start from the beginning

Marinette nodded turning to go back to the ballroom, had she not seen his slightly torn clothing, and the fact that he was covered in flour and wearing an apron Marinette would've been convinced he was a prince, he had the looks to charm just about any girl who crossed his path, though Marinette couldn't allow herself to be charmed, she was to be married if any gentleman should decide to take her as his bride, and she felt bad cause her friend Kagami also suffered the same fate as her, married to someone she barely knew, someone who would more than likely never cherish her.
Stepping into the ballroom she quickly found her parents greeting them with a bow, her father was not of royal blood, though the marriage was granted due to there being no other suitors for her mother, and they loved each other, Marinette could only hope for the same fate. A love filled marriage, someone she would be happy to run a kingdom with, even if there was no gain for the kingdom. An hour into the party Marinette was approached by a prince, though her thoughts were clouded with thoughts of the boy from the kitchens, though her thoughts were interuppted as she heard the same voice.

"Dance with me Princess?" The blonde asked, it was the same boy from the kitchens, though he sounded slightly different, his voice was slightly deeper than before, and his request was more so a demand than a question, which automatically sent her into a tizzy of thoughts, he'd been so gentle earlier, yet he seemed so rough now.
"I suppose." Marinette took his hand, the man leading her out and onto the dancefloor where people were staring at them, including her friend, who was still seated on her smaller throne compared to her mothers and fathers. Marinette gave her a look stating the fact that she disliked this man, causing the Japanese princess to laugh ever so slightly.
"Are you and Princess Kagami close?" The boy dancing with her asked, catching Marinette slightly off guard as he asked about her relationship with Kagami.
"Yes, our mothers were friends when they were young, so the relationship just carried over I suppose, hence why our engagement balls were just turned into one." Marinette offered that small amount of information, it also was a good explaination of why she and Kagami made faces at each other from across the room, something they'd done since they were young.

Marinette couldn't tell why he seemed so different now, and if he worked in the kitchens, there was no way he should be on the dance floor with her, his hand on her waist. The french style gown forming to her perfectly, Marinette had designed the clothing herself, having had a secret facination with design, especially that of french clothing from her fathers homeland. The boy's hand in which hers was placed in was smooth, she was studying every inch of him, she hadn't touched his hands earlier when he caught her in the hall, but she didn't remember much from the short glance she'd caught earlier, all she could remember was the color of his hair that could rival only the sun, his chiselled jawline, and his forest green eyes that she could get lost in, and the boy in front of her held all those same features, except his eyes were far more distant, as though he had more on his mind than just dancing with her.

"What is your name if you don't mind me asking." Marinette asked looking at the taller boy, she had never met him at any of her kingdoms functions, which meant he was here as a suitor for Kagami, yet he was dancing with her, she watched his features as a smirk seemed to flash on his lips, before he looked into her eyes.
"Adrien, my name is Adrien." His voice almost sounded sinister, as though he were taking revenge on someone, Marinette began to not like the look in his eyes as they continued dancing, moving them back towards her parents, hoping they might notice her distress and pull her out of there, them or Kagami.
"If you don't mind young man, my daughter has a few guests she needs to greet." Marinette could hear her fathers voice behind her, she visibly relaxed as she was pulled away, knowing her father was only lying becasue of how uncomfortable she seemed and how forward he was even though they had never met before.
"Of course your majesty." Adrien spoke, giving her father a sweet smile, Marinette had never heard of a Prince or Lord named Adrien, which only perplexed her further as she tried to think of where he might've been from.

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