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A/n: I took a pause on this story so I can focus on other ones. pro tip: do not try the windows 11 update because it goes in a long loop. I tried it a week ago and it went in a circle for hours, even if you unplug it and the battery runs out 😐


"do we have to retrace our steps a million times just to find treasure? we'll probably become pirates at this point." she complains, shaking her flashlight so the bulb doesn't go out. "we already have the boat. 'might as well start." I poke fun, which the only reaction I got was her rolling her eyes at me. "they're eventually going to roll to the back of your head, as you told me earlier."

we explored throughout this dark, creepy cave covered in rocks and long dripstones up on the ceiling. old boarded bridges, ladders that we had to keep knocking down so the village people wouldn't climb up to murder us. I immediately regretted the time moments I've been a bit cold towards her tonight, and I can't screw things up again. we finally found the way around the symbolized puzzle to receive the blasphemer's head only to have red liquid trickle out of its hole.

I understand why kelly is pretty fucking irritated with me, running back and forth just to sell and trade, sell and trade to build up our gear before we'd head to the church.

the gloomy overcast is draining the rugged path among the cabins, fire torches, and dirty barrels and decrepit, broken bedrooms. seeing the pale, dead girl with her hands tied behind her lower back and blood splattered beneath her body as she is lying on her side. I place my hand on the redhead's shoulder. I don't even have to turn her around to see the tears forming in her eyelids. I remain silent, no words come out of my mouth.

back in raccoon city, she had a friend by her side. her arm hung on her shoulders until kelly saw the bite on sophie's neck and dropped her off on the street.

"whoever created the virus.. I'm going to fucking kill them."

I move my hand over her balled up fist. "the man infecting our minds; he's going to pay double." she lets it rest, not pushing me away. "he better."

I use both to embrace her face warmly. the fabric of my fingerless gloves touch softly. "I'll count on it." I whisper softly. "leon.." she meets my eyes. hers are mixed with sadness yet hope. they briefly look down at my lips, then up again. the thunder boom makes her shoulders jump, and we glance up at the sky. "we better head to the church.."


I place the blasphemer heads into the big palms planted in front of us. the hands move, and the puzzle piece for the church gate to unlock is now ours. "condor one to roost, I found the key to the church."

"copy that. now go get baby eagle."

"right. no time to chat. I'm going in. condor one out."

we follow through the crouched path towards the outside to the mud path. all of the giant splinter looking gates struck into the ground around us. our backs are against each other's as we listen to the loud stomps and an ogre bursts into the tall metal doors. I shield kelly from the blast, as the pickets are tossed across and the sandy dust is flown in the air.

"whoa! goddamn you're a big boy."

the lightning streaks in the sky. the white beast we saw earlier howls before quick hopping down on each rock to land on the ground and bite the ogre's heel. "you wanna help? 'cause we could use it." kelly aims her shotgun at the slimy parasite popping out of his neck. she quickly reloads her ammo as the troll picks up a house roof to throw at us and she just barely saves herself. I had a realization that she may have to change the bandage on her ankle so it doesn't get infected.

when the ogre falls down on its' knees, I climb on its back to slice repeatedly with my knife. she smirks, standing far back to point her rifle scope to continue to open fire. "what's funny?" I ask loud enough, hoping she'd hear me.

"I just remember how fun our first date was." she said, which made me puzzled. till I realized what she was means; our very first battle together with william birkin when he was turned into a monster and had that big nasty eyeball claire savagely stabbed with a spear at the end.

kelly gives the wolf a brisk pet. "that's what I'm talking about! good boy!"

"as much as I support the puppy love, we've got our hands full and we need them empty. now.. let's bring down this piece of shit."

we go down together || leon s. kennedy ☆Where stories live. Discover now