Chapter 4: Don't Go Too Far

Start from the beginning

"Awesome," Lisa went to the table and sat on her comfortable chair while Secretary Noh went out of her office and closed the two way door. She looks up at the clock in front of her right above the fireplace and saw the time.

10:15 pm

"I arrived too early," Lisa somehow felt disappointed, she really wanted to be friends with Min Hee. She wanted an attorney friend that she can ask with anything lawful.

She turn to her desk and saw the proposal she got from the K&F has for them with a note from her father, "Who would have thought they're going to send a notice to dad before they sent it to me,

Lisa took her father's notice and read it, the note goes like this.

My daughter, I haven't read anything other than they wanted a partnership with SDI Inc., I want you to decide whether you'll have partnership with K&F Corporation because this is your business.

Your decision is my decision.

Please don't overwork yourself. Your dad is always here for you. Come back home, I miss you so much dearest.


"He really does miss me," Lisa giggled her father's notice. People wouldn't believe if she tells them how cute her father is out of office.

Lisa took a seat and spends her time in diligence, reading pages per pages, paragraph per paragraph. Seeking a good intention if there is a possibility to be in partnership with K&F. On the first look it already look profitable on both sides, as she reads through the proposal she started to like it.

If her understading is correct, they want Skye Distribution International Inc., to be their global distributor for their food, clothing, and stocks. Not just Asia where she initially thought of since they've been eyeing to import their goods in Taiwan. To her shock, they want to start with Singapore, and after they establish on South East Asia they will go further to the western countries.

It's surprising that SDI Inc, is just less than four years since she establish it but this big company is already flocking to her doorstep. Usually it takes a minimum of five years to get proper distribution globally but K&F Corporation entrusted her to do it?

"Is it because I'm a Cheon?" Lisa asked herself, people have this mindset that Cheon never failed in any business so it's not surprising. But is it because their trades made a drastic increase from 60% to 300% after she handled the international trades? that's why they wanted a partnership?

Whatever their reason is, this proposal is outstanding. If she entered the market on Singapore, she will have a grand debut next year...


"What's this?"

She moved to the last page to see who will be the person in charge of the business. She thought someone from Seoul would come to Busan, but to her shock it is not from the their company but to,

"Why is Jungkook in here?"

Lisa reads his relation to Kang Family and his resume and confirmed that his mother is from the Kang Family. Not just anyone but a close relative to K&F Corporation's President. And by the look of his resume, it is clear that he knows business because he graduated with a GPA of 97.78 in Business Major in International Business. He graduated in Pusan National University which specializes in International Business due to their geography.

And what shocks her more,

"He accompanied the President in few of his successful international business ventures?" "Holy—" Lisa was surprised by his work experience.

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