Part 3

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Tav sits in stunned silence. The ghost of a forbidden hope that they hadn't allowed themselves to feel sparks deep within Tav's chest. Their focus flits back and forth between Shadowheart's eyes, looking for any reason to dismiss her words. Tav sees no lie or trick in her earnest stare. "That's not really possible. Those capable of casting Wish don't tend to be the helpful sort."

Shadowheart nods and scoots closer to Tav leaning in. "Wish isn't the only option I found." She produces Gale's leather bag wrapped in colored string. "Do you remember in Shar's temple when Gale fell into the lava at the forge?"

Tav grimaces and turns away, eyes closed instinctively trying to avoid the memory that is conjured at the mention of the event. The suffocating heat of Grimm's Forge had made breathing painful and the giant construct sloshed towards Gale, lava sticking to its shins. "I remember." In their mind's eye Tav sees themselves running, trying to get to Gale, trying to distract the guardian. But they were too far and the construct too fast. With a nearly lazy sweep it had sent Gale flying into the thick clinging magma. Screaming. The smell of burning flesh mingled with the gasses of the forge. He didn't stop screaming until he had sunk out of sight beneath the glowing magma.

Once the fight had ended and the lava had cleared Gale's messenger had appeared and presented them with the same wallet Shadowheart was now holding. "That puzzle Gale concocted had too many fiddly steps." Tav rolls their eyes. "Only he would think it a good idea to hide his salvation inside a self destructing bag." Tav snorts. "All brains and no wisdom, it's lucky for him that Withers was always at our camp."

Shadowheart grins. "That's true but what's the phrase you used to say all the time? All's well that ends, well, not as bad as it could have."

Tav chuckles "I thought it was witty, at the time."

"It was funny, and true." Shadowheart waves the bag in the air between them. "The scroll inside wasn't just a Revify, it was a scroll of True Resurrection! If a vampire falls and is then resurrected with this spell" She shakes the bag. "They would be raised as they had been before their first death!"

"Oh my gods..." Tav's eyes are locked on the simple leather bag between them. "Do you know that for sure?"

Shadowheart sets the bag down with a shrug. "Oh, of course not, but it is what everything I've been able to find has indicated. With Gale's orb gone, and us living the quiet life now, we don't need it." She reaches out and takes one of Tav's hands, giving it a squeeze. "If you want it, it's yours."

Tav blinks rapidly, their mind spinning. A smile slowly spreads across their face. They could return to the sun, the waves, the sanguine hunger would be left in the past... "Astarion." Their smile dies and Tav pulls their hand back. They shake their head with a sigh. "I can't. There's only one, and even if we had another, he's so happy. He'd never want to give up being the Vampire Ascendant."

Shadowheart snorts and turns back to the sea. "If that's what happy looks like, perhaps Shar had a point."

"What do you mean?"

Shadowheart shrugs. "I'm just saying that he has been particularly sardonic and spiteful this evening."

Tav sighs again and also turns back to the water. It laps the shore gently forever just out of reach. "Right. Sorry, that's my fault..." Do I really want to bring this up? Tav looks at Shadowheart. "I want to tell you about what happened but I want you to promise to not-" Tav struggles with the right word for a moment "Just don't get mad at me, like Jeheira."

Shadowheart frowns. "I'm not in the habit of making promises before I know the details." Tav makes a pleading face. "Ugh, fine, I will promise to not start shouting."

Goodbye Astarion [Astarion X NB Tav]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant