A loving mama

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~ Sorry for the long wait I will try to make this as long as I can ~

- Once the class heard about what happened did they feel bad? No, they were mad at Izuku for telling and getting All Might in trouble. so you know what they did? Well they well did what any corrupted teens would they made Izuku's life a living hell, but all Izuku could think was

He got what he deserved ^ -

No One's POV

It's been a few months and Izuku has been so tired of this. It was now their second year and they hadn't gotten over it izuku decided he wanted to move so he was now in his room getting ready to call his mom when he got a call from the hospital

^Hello?^ said Izuku a female voice could be heard saying ^Is this Midoriya Izuku?^

^ Yes, this is him what can I do for you ^^I have some bad news for you^ ^what is it^ ^well your mom is on her deathbed and she would like for you to come to see her she only has two hours left to live^ ^I'm on my way^

Once Izuku got the news he quickly got dressed put his shoes on and ran using his quirk to get there in under 5 minutes
He got inside asked for his mom's room and ran there as fast as he could almost slipping in the process

when he walked into the room he saw his mom hooked up to so many things and started crying hard as we walked up to her waking her up.

^mama what happend^ ^hey my baby I just go into a car accident I'm so sorry I wish I could stay with you longer^ izuku cried harder and he sat there with his mom talking about how his day was and what had been happening to him making inko feel like the worst mother ever izuku reassured her and inko slowly felt herself getting weaker as time past on she finally breathed her last breaths As her last words were ^place call your dad and tell him I miss him I love you my baby^
^I love you too Mom get some rest^ and with thought last words A loving mama has passed.

Izuku was escorted out of the room and he called Aizawa for support. When Aizawa heard about what happened he came over as fast as he could to comfort izuku. Izuku cried himself to sleep as Aizawa took him back to the dorms. He took him to his new dorm near Aizawa's dorm. Seeing as though Izuku told Nezu and Aizawa about the bad things class 1A has done they moved Izuku to the teacher's dorms. Aizawa tried to expel them all but he was not able to due to having to keep them. Once there Aizawa put Izuku to bed not wanting to change the kid's clothes while disrespecting his privacy. When he closed the door all the teachers asked what happened to Izuku (~ BTW the teachers know what has been going on and they support and help in harming All Might and of course, they know about class 1A~) Aizawa told them about what happened with his normal face but he husband noticed a small tear leave his eyes

Time skip

It is a few minutes later and Aizawa is in his and his husband's dorm. Aizawa has been crying in his husband's chest and talking about how he feels so bad about what Izuku is going through and that he can't do anything about it. Izuku just woke up and decided to check up on Aizawa he knocked on the door and heard shuffling coming from the other side of the door. Mic opened the door ^ Oh Hello Izuku what can I do for you^ ^Hi Mic can I talk to Mr. Aizawa please^ ^sure let me get him^ You could hear Mic calling for Aizawa through the door ^hey Izu what can I do for you^ Izuku can see Aizawa's puffy eyes and could tell he has been crying for a while now. Izuku walked up to Aizwa and made him rest his head on his shoulder as he could feel a wet spot form on his sleeve from Aizawa starting to tear up. As if in queue Mic came around the door and slowly pooled them into the dorm. Izuku sat down on the bed slowly so as to not move Aizawa more than he already had. Aizawa slowly calmed down and that was Izuku queue to start talking ^Are you alright now?^ ^yes, I'm okay now I'm sorry about that^ ^It's fine dadzawa^ Izuku chuckled at his joke and so did the two older males

They asked Izuku why he came down and they talked about why Aizawa was talking Then it was time for Izuku to tell him about his plans ^I am going to contact my dad today once I get back to my dorm and I will be asking to move to America seeing as though I don't want to leave here any longer^ Mic and Aizawa were shocked and Aiazwa is now heart broke and couldn't help but start crying again. Izuku kept on saying it was not his fault and had an idea

^Hey Shota, Mic If my dad says I could move would you like to go with me?^

~I'm going to end it here Should Aizawa and Mic move to America with Izuku If yes is the answer would you guys like for MIc Aizawa and Hasashi to be in a relationship let me know also I will Update whenever in a few weeks or maybe two months depending on if I get any answer well good night/morning/afternoon I also forgot to say this but we have a soft Aizawa but only towards izuku.~

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