A Punishment well deserved

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-izuku ^ass might rape me^ Nezu and Aizawa ^WHAT^ - 

No one's POV

Izuku sat down a little scared but knew he would not be able to get out of this. After Nezu and Aizawa's shock, Aizawa asked ^When did this first start and why did he do such a thing^
izuku moved in his seat a little, and spoke told him everything From how it started before UA and all of the punishments and what to do to get the punishments as he was talking he started to cry a little

Time skip


Ass might's punishment time

Aizawa and Nuzu make up a plan to put all might in a  hot place with Quirk canceling cuffs once the plan was set they got to work by making sure to follow Izuku on his next training day and ambushing him then dragging him to the spot and putting quirk canceling cuffs on him beating him up when he wakes up the throws him into hot water taking him out putting him into cold water then leaving him next to lava for hours then outing him in the plain sun  with oil Instead of sunscrean setting him on fire and after all that they cut off his dick.

After all that almighty never came back he left everything thing behind and was never seen again

Once the class heard about what happened Did they feel bad? No, they were mad at Izuku for telling and getting the asshole in trouble so what did they do well they made Izuku's life a liveing hell but all Izuku could think was

^he got a well-deserved punishment^

*That is the end for today I have a fun day planned for school Tomorrow and I'm so fucking tired right now I will post after Christmas which is on next Monday so Tuesday yah Tuesday so have a nice day, Night, or Evening*

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