chapter 1-König

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(I am new in wattpad and am not a writer. This is made completely for fun!!!)
TW: cursing

You live in a flat. Your life is really not that interesting. You wake up,brush your teeth,eat,head to work and come home.

Your neighbours house has been empty for a few years now due to the fact that the whole building is old and in a bad neighborhood. The poor old man had passed away. Not that you ever knew the man, but you just happened to be a sweet person.

One day when you were getting home from work you heard sounds from the house and thought that someone had finally bought it. You were really curious of who it might be. Should you maybe go and offer some baked goods or was it too old fashioned? To be honest you really didn't care if it was because anyone would like some biscuits,right?

You decided to bake some chocolate chip cookies.

You put your hair up in a ponytail and washed your hands. You really hope you have enough chocolate to bake the cookies.

Luckily you had just enough chocolate. You put on some calm music and started to work on the cookies. You were great when it came to cooking. It had always been easy for you and eaven enjoyable.

You hummed to the melody when your hands did their best work. Music was also something you really enjoyed.

You slipped the cookies in the oven and put a timer on from your phone. As the cookies were baking they made the whole house smell really good.

You put the cookies in a basket and covered them with a red and white striped cloth to ceep them nice and warm.

You were exited to talk to your new neighbour. You went to the bedroom to change into better clothes while the cookies were cooling down.

You slipped your white hoodie off because you had gotten a stain on it while baking. You tried to find your green one but apparently it was lost. Unlucky. The first long sleeved shirt you found was tight and said in a large print "Fuck you". Not the best while trying to befriend someone.


You would probably need to go in a T-shirt. You found a nice white one. It was a little too big for you but whatever. You went to the kitchen to grab the cookies and as you were walking across the living room you saw your green hoodie on a stool.


The cookies were starting to cool down so you let it be. You walked out from your house and went over to your new neighbours house.

*Knock knock*

There was an awkward silence. Then the door opened. A tall man with some type of a shirt as a mask had opened it. He needed to look down at you.

You offer the basket with shaky hands. He looks confused but takes it.

"Your my new neighbour I suppose?"
The man just nodded.
"What's your name?"
You asked.
It seemed like he hesitated but after a while he said "König".

"I made cookies" you say pointing to the basket in königs hand. You can't help but notice how big his hands are. He has a few cuts on them. You wonder how he got them. Maybe when cooking or something.

König lifted the cloth the warm cookies were under. The sent was unbelievably good.
"Thank you"

Then for a while you didn't talk. He looked at you up and down.
"Come in." He said.
You followed him inside. The house was filled with boxes and bags. He must have gotten there only a few days ago.

He signaled you to sit down on the couch and so you did.
"Coffee?" He asked to break the silence.
"Sure, thank you"

He went to another room,wich you assumed was the kitchen. You started to look around the living room. There were no pictures on the walls yet,but you taught nothing of it because he had just moved in.

Then he came back with two mugs in he's hands. One with flowers on it and another plane white. He had apparently left the cookies in the kitchen.

You wonder why he had a mug with flowers on it,but you didn't say anything.

There was tension in the room. You taught that maybe König just didn't like you,but you could have not been more wrong.

König was red under his mask. You looked so pretty sitting there. Oh fuck. You looked so small on the couch. He was still standing at this point so he came and sat next to you.

You moved a little more to the left so he would have more space. You sat and drank your coffee. After you finish you really needed the restroom.

"Umm... Where is the restroom?"
He chuckled.
He had never heard someone say "restroom" such a fancy word.
Instead of telling where the restroom was he showed you where it was. You did your business and came out.

He was aredy waiting for you. You thanked for the coffee and said you should go home to do some work eaven though you had none. He escorted you to the door.

As you were about to enter your house you realized you had forgot your keys on the kitchen counter...

You searched your pockets and he seemed to understand that you didn't have your key. In fact you didn't even have your phone to call someone who would have a spear keys.

You slowly turned around.
"I- I think I forgot my keys on the kitchen counter."

Under Königs mask he smiled. He hadn't wanted you to leave.
"If you want you can sleep the night at my place and we can call the house ceeper tomorrow. I think he is already sleeping." He suggested.

"Yeah that would be awesome,if it's not too much to ask." You took the invite happy to have somewhere to sleep.

"Yeah come in. You can sleep on the couch." He said and smiled under his mask.

Neighbor König!? (Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя