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Ero's POV

"Did something happen to your Mom?" I asked Naki, and he shook his head.

"My mother is okay, but... the nurse said the surgery for Mom is already paid for, and all that's needed is my permission. A man went there and paid both the hospital bills and my Mom's surgery. The nurse didn't get his name, so I'm heading to the hospital now." he explained.

"Is that so? Who could it be?" I replied.

"I don't know... I was surprised too." he said.

"Hm... Maybe... I guess I know who it is." I said with crossed arms.

"...Who?" Naki asked, looking confused.

"Nevermind. I'm just kidding. Let me give you a ride then." I offered.

"Don't bother, Eros. I might be disturbing you." he declined.

"Which hospital are you going to?" I asked.

"Mantra Hospital." he answered.

"Perfect, I have something to do nearby. Just hop in with me." I said, even though I had nowhere to go. I just wanted to confirm if that man was who I thought.

"Really? Alright... thanks, Eros." he said while smiling.

"Let's go then." I said.

"Can I change my clothes first? Mine got dirty from cooking earlier." he asked.

"Sure, go ahead. I'll wait outside." I agreed.

"Okay. I'll be quick."

"Take your time. I can wait." I said. He smiled and went upstairs to change.

Fast forward~

I started the engine when Naki entered the car. He took the front seat.

Naki stared out the window, lost in thought.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Ah, nothing... I'm just wondering. Who would pay for my Mom's hospital bills? A high amount of money shouldn't be wasted for a stranger, y'know. I hope I won't end up in debt." he said. He looks so worried.

"Don't worry about that. If that happens, you can borrow money from me. You can pay it back whenever, even if it's yearly." I replied.

"Don't joke like that. Who borrows money and pays it back after a year? If it were someone else, they might have run away from you." he said.

"I'm serious. But, really, you don't need to stress about it. Maybe it's someone your Mom knows, and he just wanted to help her. I'd do the same if it were me." I assured.


"Just think about your Mom, okay?" I said, and he nodded.

A few minutes later~

We arrived at the hospital, and I stopped the car in front of it.

While Naki was contacting his sister, I looked around to kill some time.

I noticed someone with a familiar face heading to the parking lot, perhaps getting his car.

Shun... as expected.

Naki didn't see him because he was busy in his phone call. He informed his sister that he was on his way.

I already knew that it was Shun since Naki mentioned that he used to visit Naki's mom with him.

I had planned to accompany Naki inside, but since I already knew something unexpected—something unexpected about Shun—I decided to go.

"Thank you, Eros. Take care on your trip!" Naki bid farewell as he ran backward.

I nodded and signaled for him to go ahead.

He turned around, entered the hospital, and looked his way inside.


I guess I need some alcohol.

To be continued...

He's a piggy: A Boys Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now