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Naki's POV

As I dashed through the crowded streets, desperately trying to catch my breath, I couldn't help but curse my luck.

It was incredibly unlucky that I was late for my part-time job interview, and the situation worsened as I suddenly encountered a downpour.

I had a small umbrella with me, along with some papers. My clothes and hair were soaked, sticking uncomfortably to my skin.

I noticed a small coffee shop between two tall buildings. I quickly went there to take shelter.

Upon arriving, I folded my umbrella and patiently waited for the rain to let up.

"Ah! Look at where you're going!" I heard an irritated voice from a guy.

I looked in the direction of the voice and saw a man shouting at an elderly woman.

I noticed he was attempting to snatch the woman's wallet without her noticing, so I hurriedly approached them.

"Hey! Give that back!" I shouted as I chased the thief who suddenly started running.

We chased each other in the heavy rain, determined not to give up until I caught him.

"I won't let you get away!" I shouted as I increased my speed to catch up.

After a long chase, I caught up with the thief. I firmly held his hands. "Give the wallet back to the old lady!" I ordered.

"What's it to you? Mind your own business! Let me go!" he responded, trying to resist my firm grip on his hands.

I ignored his words. "I won't release you until you return the wallet to its owner! Give it back!" I commanded, tightening my hold on his arms.

Eventually, the thief surrendered. He handed the elderly woman's wallet to me, and I let him go without pursuing further. The important thing was that I returned the wallet to its rightful owner.

"Thank you so much, young one." the elderly woman said as I handed her the wallet.

"You're welcome, ma'am." I replied.

"In times like these, it's rare to find someone with a kind heart like yours." she added, making me smile.

"If I knew he was taking my wallet, I would have given him my money willingly, just not the picture of my husband inside." she said. It seemed she was wealthy, so she was probably willing to give the money to the thief but not the important thing inside it.

"I understand, ma'am. You've worked hard for that money, so it shouldn't be taken by someone else just like that." I said and smiled at her.

I was surprised to see that my clothes were covered in mud and completely soaked.

"I'm really sorry, young one. Your clothes got dirty because of me." the elderly woman apologized.

"It's okay, ma'am. Don't worry. I'll just wash them later." I replied while smiling at her.

"If you want, you can come with me for now so you can change your clothes at the house. My grandson has plenty of clothes there." she suggested.

"And besides, I don't have anyone to accompany me home because I can't contact my driver and grandson." she added.

"You're alone, ma'am? In this heavy rain, I'll accompany you home. It's not safe for you to be alone, and I don't want to get sick either because I need to find a job tomorrow." I said.

"Alright then, young one, just call that taxi over there." she said, pointing to a taxi parked across the street.

A few minutes later~

I helped the elderly woman get out of the taxi, and we entered a large mansion, even bigger than the hospital where my mother was admitted. The rain still hadn't stopped, so we sought shelter under the small umbrella I had and opened their gate to enter.

"Is there anyone else in the house, ma'am?" I asked.

"It's just me and my grandson living here. My grandson's parents are abroad, so I take care of him for now." she explained.

"What about your maid and driver, ma'am?" I asked again.

"I've been looking for a maid, but my grandson seems to dislike female maids. As for the driver, he has his own apartment." she replied.

"Is that so? Maybe, he's allergic to girls." I said.

"Maybe you're right there, young one. I don't know what's wrong with that boy. He still doesn't have a girlfriend until now." she replied.

We were now in front of the mansion's front door.

"By the way, you mentioned that you're looking for a job, right? You said that when I invited you to come here." she asked.

"Yes, ma'am. Why?" I replied.

"Do you know household chores? Maybe you'd like to work here?" she asked and I smiled.

"Yes, ma'am. But... your grandson might not like me, and he might suddenly fire me. I might pass for now." I replied.

"Are you sure? I can offer a good salary, even 6k per week, just to hire a helper." she offered, leaving me slightly stunned.

"6k..." I whispered.

"Um, your grandson wouldn't have a problem with a male helper, right?" I asked while smiling. This could be a good source of income for my mother's hospital expenses.

"Don't worry about that, young one. I'll take care of it." she assured.

"Anyway, what's your name?" she asked.

"I'm Naki. Naki Nao, ma'am." I replied with a smile.

"Just call me Grandma, dear." she said.

"Okay, thank you so much, Grandma!" I replied while smiling widely.

My mom would be happy about this...

To be continued...

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