Chapter 1: New Home, New School, New Friends

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A beautiful sunset cast from above the city of Gravesfield, Connecticut as Gus walked into his new home, his father Perry Porter walked from behind "well, Gus what do you think?" Perry asked as he looked at his son.

Gus sighed "I can't believe it.... We have to move again" Gus said as he looked at the ground, concerned, set among Perry's face as he put a reassuring hand on Gus.

"It's going to be ok Gus, maybe you'll fit in this school" Perry answered as he took the suitcases in the house, one suitcase had golden butterflies as a decoration with a black outline on it.

Perry puts some clothes in the wardrobe as he was in his room and Gus looks for his room "dad, do you think I'll fit in?" Gus asked.

Gus looked at a small frame with his old close friend, Willow he was never going to see her again or will he?

Perry sighed in disbelief "you'll fit in, you just got to try hard" Perry explained "but I already got expelled in 10 different schools in 8 years how can I fit in?" Gus asked, he looked at the ground.

"You'll be great, I promised" Perry answered, Gus did a small weak smile as he looked at his dad "ok, I'll try" Gus answered as he walked to his room.

---- The Next Day ----

Gus fluttered his eyes open as he saw the warm sun lit up in his room "ugh... Morning already" Gus said as he sat up and got off of his bed. Gus put his clothes on, he was wearing this.

A/N: what Gus is wearing

Before getting Back to the chapter Gus is a human in this story

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Before getting Back to the chapter Gus is a human in this story.

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Gus smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror "first new day, I hope I make new friends at Hexside" Gus said to himself.

He walked downstairs as he smelled breakfast "what's for breakfast?" Gus asked.

Perry smiled warmly at Gus "we're having pancakes!" Perry yelled happily as he put the plates of pancakes on the table.

---- After Breakfast ----

Gus walked back upstairs as he put his uniform on

A/N: I had to take a screenshot since I couldn't download the picture for some very reason.

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Gus smiled again, he was looking forward to trying this new school, he finally had an opportunity to meet new friends and hopefully he wouldn't be expelled in Hexside he didn't want to be expelled again.

He was tired of always moving to new places and new schools, Gus sighed as he walked downstairs to get his stuff ready for school.

---- Hexside ----

Gus walked in front of the gates of Hexside, he was starting to get nervous, he never felt so nervous before... Was this normal?

He smiled as he walked inside, he suddenly bumped into someone "hey! Watch it!" The figure yelled, it was none other than Willow Park?!

"Willow?" Gus asked, Willow recognised the sound of Augustus voice "Gus?" Willow asked back as she stood up, she helped Gus up and apologised "I'm so, so sorry I didn't know it was you until I heard your voice!" She yelled as she kept apologising over and over again.

Gus sighed as he got up "hey, hey it's ok" Gus replied, Willow sighed in relief "oh good, I should of told you about enrolling into hexside soo... Surprise!" Willow yelled as she hugged her best friend tightly.

Gus chuckled as he got out of the hug that he was in "wow, what a lovely surprise Willow I'm surprised that you kept it from me" Gus teased as he looked at Willow.

Gus sighed as he started walking to his locker "so Willow, tell me about this place" Gus said as he walked alongside Willow "oh I will" Willow answered happily.


I know, I know you guys must be wondering what's going to happen but you'll have to read chapter 2 to find out.

I hope you enjoy this story, yes there will be songs coming up

Hunter is first seen in chapter 2 but he doesn't meet Gus until chapter 5-7

Songs in chapter 2

Dark Horse by Katy Perry sung by Hunter and Emperor Belos

...Ready For It by Taylor Swift sung by Boscha (she's first seen in Hexside as a fake human as she is still a witch)

Have a good day/afternoon/evening

Bye and remember that you are special the way you are

Word Count: 759 words!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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