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Okie Dokie...

I've decided to put the rest of the chapters even though their unedited. So they're not gonna be that satisfying to read. You'll encounter tons of errors, typos etc. in this story. So if you're not up to the challenge, then please don't read this story. But if you were able to bear all of that and did read this, thanks a bunch! And welcome to another cringe story of mine.

Hope you like this and have fun reading.


JEWEL COULD not believe what she has just heard from Grandpa Fred. Her, marrying Phoenix? No can do. Uh-uh. No.

Why is everyone around her still obsessed with her obsession to Phoenix when they were kids? For goodness sake, that was a very long time ago.

And how come Grandpa Fred didn't tell her about Phoenix joining their dinner? She was really surprised upon seeing him with Grandpa Fred.

Her eyes turned towards the guy she had fallen head over heels inlove with when she was little who doesn't even know how to dress herself properly. It has been more than a decade since she last saw him.

The little boy she had once known had grown into a very fine...uhm...she's guessing a fine adult. She is not sure because of the way he's dressed right now, but as far as she can remember, Phoenix has always been a formal kind of guy so she doesn't understand his get-up right now.

She wondered why he decided to wear something like that on a formal dinner?

But his clothes didn't stop her from admiring his manly features. He really has matured over the past years.

His brown-blonde hair, even though a bit messy, complemented his deep dark-chocolate brown eyes, which always has this cold mysterious look on it since they were kids.

His straight Italian nose and light pinkish lips added to his handsome features. His age of thirty made him grow yet unshaven stubbles on his face. He has this rugged look of a drag racer. Though, it didn't suit him really. At some point.

He has obviously been a member of the gym because she knows that under that layers of clothing, hides his broad shoulder and well-built body.

"Did I pass your standards?" Phoenix asks all of a sudden. He has a stern look on his face that says 'stop staring, it's annoying.'

Jewel blinked thrice and snapped into her senses. She did not notice that she was ogling at him for a few minutes now.

"Uhm...gramps, I can't marry Phoenix...and I think you already know the reason why." She said to escape Phoenix's sudden interrogation.

That was really embarrassing for her.

Jewel sensed Phoenix's weird look on her through her peripheral vision.

"But Jewel, didn't you always want to marry my grandson?"

"Grandpa, that was a long time ago. We were kids. And I'm not planning on marrying anyone." Not ever.

She has decided to stay single for as long as she lives, for a reason that only a few people must know.

She doesn't want any other people to be dragged down into her own problems.

"I'm sorry gramps." She said when she saw his sad eyes.

Then Phoenix clapped his hand one time, bringing their attention to him. "That settles it then."

Jewel is confused with Phoenix's remark.

"Grandpa, she doesn't want to get married. Same as me. It's clear that we don't want anything to do with each other."

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