Wave and Uzushiogakure-2

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As Naruto turned towards Tazuna and so did Kakashi who was giving him a critical eye, Tazuna admitted the truth about being targeted by Gato one of the richest men and also the one who had terrorized Wave by buying all the ships and ports and cutting the connection of Wave with the outside world and the bridge he was building was their only hope and if the bridge gets completed then Gato's plan will fail so he has hired rouge nins to come after him. Hearing the truth both Naruto and Kakashi began to ponder on whether to continue with the mission or return to Konoha as the mission was no longer a C-rank mission and was rather a B-rank mission which the genin were not ready for. Team seven was still in shock that Naruto had just killed someone the first one to recover was Naomi who asked Naruto a question "Are you okay?" to which Naruto replied "I am fine this is not the first time I have killed someone", this again caught the team off guard however Sasuke had a different thought in his mind the moment he saw Naruto's sword he knew it was a powerful one and that sword would only be worthy to be wielded by him an Uchiha so that he could kill his brother so not wasting a moment he went to Naruto " Hey where did you get the sword." 

Naruto: Hmm the sword is from my clan.

Sasuke: I demand you to give me that sword. This made the others to look at him dumbfounded how could he ask for someone's weapon without a second thought, Naruto simply denied his demand which infuriated Sasuke.

Sasuke: So what it doesn't matter I can always ask to council to get it for me, he said to Naruto and held on an arrogant smirk. Naruto simply sighed and looked at Kakashi with disappointment despite being his sensei Kakashi didn't really teach him anything.

Naruto: Listen here you pampered brat you may be the head of the Uchiha clan but I myself am the head of the Uzumaki clan so your demands don't work against me and besides even if I were to give you my sword you wouldn't be able to wield or rather she wouldn't allow someone as unworthy as you to wield her. Sasuke was about to press further but Kakashi decided to intervene "Well we have more important things to discuss right now Let first decide whether we should continue this mission or not" he said turning towards Tazuna who paled if they decided to abandon him then he will surely die and the bridge would also be not completed and the people of Wave will continue to suffer just as he was about to do some drama Naruto spoke up.

Naruto: I say we continue this mission even though you lied about the mission rank we still can't leave a village to suffer after knowing their situation. Naomi immediately agreed with Naruto and Sasuke agreed hoping to find out how strong Naruto is and wanting to fight some strong opponents, Sakura was a bit reluctant at first but none the less she also agreed so the team continued on with their journey and they reached Wave through a boat though they were impressed with the sight of the bridge. As they got off the boat and set for Tazuna's house Naruto noticed that the mist here was more thicker than usual and he could also feel a bit chakra infused with the mist Naruto was known as the best sensor of this era so he easily sensed the presence that was hiding among the mist he could tell that this nin was powerful perhaps might be even on par with the current Kakashi he could feel another presence as well but he could sense that the presence emitted no hostility towards them 'perhaps an accomplice of the nin' Naruto thought, he was bought out of his musings when Naomi suddenly threw a kunai at a bush on further inspection they found it was just a rabbit but Kakashi and Naruto had a different thought 'why would a rabbit with a snow white fur be here unless someone deliberately used it' then it clicked both Naruto and Kakashi yelled at the same time "get down" just then a huge blade went passed them and was stuck onto a another tree and then a man appeared he was tall had dark skin and covered parts of his face he wore a slashed headband indicating he was a rouge nin Kakashi and Naruto recognised that man.

Kakashi: Well look at what we have here I didn't expect they would send someone like you for this mission Zabuza Momochi.

Zabuza: Well no wonder the demon brothers failed it would have been a miracle if they could have defeated you copy ninja Kakashi and looks like you even have a sensor with you.He said pointing towards Naruto."Though I have never heard of a five-man team is your village trying something new." this practically gave them an advantage as he had mistaken Naruto for a genin is his guard would be down. Kakashi saw that Sasuke was getting ready for battle so he stopped him.

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