Wave and Uzushiogakure

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Guys, I know that the pic is from Wano but for this fanfic that is how Uzushiogakure will look like or at least look in its prime.


Timeskip: One week.

For the past week, team 7 has been doing D rank missions which included cleaning some fences, taking dogs out for a walk, gardening, and some more random missions that were not helping them become strong, Sakura had no problem with the missions as she learned from the academy that rookie genins are only supposed to do D rank missions for at least two months so that they can increase their teamwork and possibly become ready for a C rank mission though in case of team 7 it was not helping, Sasuke began to get annoyed as these missions did not give him any power that he needed to kill his brother and Naomi began to wonder why have the shinobi standards fallen so low from what pervy sage told her this was not the case when he(Jiraya) was a genin. Team 7 was completing another one of their missions the mission they hated the most was to capture Tora, this was the third time they were doing this mission and they hated the demon cat, she was simply too fast and could easily jump from trees to trees without a problem and Kakashi wasn't really helping all he would do was read his orange book and let out some perverted giggles, Naomi even attempted to burn down the book cause she already knew what that was.

Kakashi: Team 7 are you in position?

Sakura: Cherry in position.

Naomi: Sunshine in position.

Sasuke: Crow in position. Then Kakashi replied "Alright capture the target", with that the team jumped on the demon cat Tora, and after minutes of struggling they finally managed to capture her Sasuke was holding the cat which was trying to scratch his face. Kakashi "Well looks like one more mission is done let's report back to the Hokage office." The team followed Kakashi into the Hokage office and they reported the mission details the team was also delighted to see the site of Tora being squished by her owner. Just as Kakashi was about to ask for another D rank mission Naomi protested by saying " No jiji we will no longer do D rank missions I think we are all more than capable of doing some C rank missions." Iruka replied before Hiruzen could "Naomi show some respect to the Hokage, also it is in the rules that rookie genins are supposed to do only D-rank missions for two months." Hiruzen then spoke up" Well it's alright Iruka she has called me that since she was young now, now Naomi you will get a C-rank mission when your sensei feels like you are ready for it". The three genins looked at Kakashi with pleading eyes, Kakashi could only sigh he knew Sasuke and Naomi could take care of themselves but the problem was Sakura and their horrible teamwork, well this could be a wake-up call for them as they could learn from their mission that shinobi world isn't so forgiving so with much thought he replied "Hai Hokage-sama I think they are ready for their first C rank mission", the three genins face immediately lit up, Hiruzen then smirked cause his plan was already set in motion he wanted Naruto to get closer with Naomi but he had simply refused now he could send Naruto along with the team which could give him a chance to make some friends with children of his age so replied" Very well Kakashi but I want another jonin to accompany you in this mission as it will provide some extra safety" he said with a look that pointed towards Naomi, Kakashi understood this and nodded his head Hiruzen then called out Naruto who was by the window the whole time having already predicted the outcome he simply climbed through the window and looked at team 7. Team 7 was beyond shocked a boy their age was the strongest Jonin in the village Sakura could not hide her blush when she saw him he was really a looker, Sasuke was jealous that someone his age was stronger than him and Naomi just thought about getting to know him better for some reason she could feel a strange connection with the boy she immediately figured out he was an Uzumaki because of his hair and eyes so she knew he was from his mother's clan so in a way they are indeed related, Kakashi simply gave his eye smile to Naruto to which he nodded in response he then looked at the Hokage and spoke: "Well jiji looks like you succeeded with your plan". Again team 7 was shocked the boy just referred to the Hokage as Jiji which means he was really close with the Hokage perhaps as close as Naomi before they could ponder further Hiruzen called in the client team 7 was expecting some princess or a businessman but came an old man with a bottle of sake the look on team seven's face was disappointment the Hokage introduced the man as Tazuna and told them he was a bridge builder from wave, Tazuna looked at the kids and replied: "Hah you expect me to believe that these kids are supposed to protect me the pink one looks like she can't even protect herself the black one looks like he has some serious mental issues and the yellow one looks like a knucklehead." The three genins were fuming with anger when he said this when he was about to comment Naruto he stopped as the intensity of the glare Naruto was giving him Kakashi decided to defuse the situation "Now calm down team and you don't have to worry my team is one of the best teams and you already have two jonin accompanying you" he pointed at himself and Naruto signifying that they were jonins he continued speaking "I think my genins are more than capable of handling some bandits" at this Tazuna tensed up which didn't go unnoticed my Naruto, Kakashi, and Hiruzen. Naruto smirked cause he knew this was about to get interesting Sumi could only sigh and hope that he didn't do something reckless. Kakashi then told his team to get ready to be by the gates at 7 am tomorrow and then they left the office.


Team 7 had arrived at the gates and were all waiting for their sensei, the client, and Naruto after about five minutes they arrived and departed on their journey the whole atmosphere was tensed up as Naruto decided to stay away from them despite Naomi's protest of getting to know him and the rest were silent just then Naruto and Kakashi noticed two puddles and immediately figured out it was a genjustsu and when Kakashi noticed Naruto's smirk he knew something bad was about to happen but he decided to go with the flow when the team was passing the puddle two ninjas suddenly jumped out of the puddle and killed Kakashi, the team was frozen as they just witnessed the death of their sensei Naomi was quick to recover and soon Sasuke too while Naruto just stood there watching the science unfold he had already given his signal to Kakashi to not intervene and he would not fight the rougue nins as he wanted to confirm something and just as he expected the nins were not after them but Tazuna, Naomi and Sasuke did a good job of protecting Tazuna while Sakura was frozen in fear at this movement Naruto drew out his sword and to the others it looked like he teleported from behind Tazuna to the demon brothers but the moment Naruto placed his sword back the demon brothers head fell down the team 7 was shocked the boy their age had just killed two people at this moment Kakashi came in and Naruto turned towards Tazuna and spoke in a cold voice "Well you have explaining to do Mr. Bridge builder".

To be continued 

There will be a second part of this chapter.

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