Fateful Meeting

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Time skip 4 years:

It has been 4 years since the Kyubi Incident and Naruto was declared as a Jinchuruki, his life wasn't exactly nice people didn't outright hate him but people also didn't love him, they acted as if he had never existed he had no friends none of the adult's would talk to him. He lives in an orphanage they gave food and all the basic necessities but other than that they never cared for him. As he was roaming around the streets not knowing where to go he decided he will head towards the hokage tower, he was the one of the few people that Naruto trusted and would call him 'Jiji' he would often spend most of his time talking with the aged man and at the Ichiraku they were kind people who sometimes gave Naruto free ramen. Naruto then headed towards the hokage tower and then entered his room ignoring the secretary.

In the hokage room:

Hiruzen could see red hed from his desk, he was battling his life long enemy paperwork, but when he saw the boy enter his mood lighten, the boy was smart for his age and also mature than most of the children of his age he understood the cruelty of the world he knew not all are born equal in this world. Hiruzen felt guilty following Minato's plan but that was the least he could do fulfill his successors last wish, but that doesn't mean he ignored Kushina's wish he wanted to adopt Naruto but he couldn't because of the damned civilian council instead he decided he would be with the boy whenever he can.

Hiruzen: What brings you here Naruto-kun.

Naruto: Nothing jiji I was just bored so taught I would pay you a visit it is nice having to talk to people you know. Guilt hit Hiruzen it was because of him Naruto was suffering like this and it didn't help the fact that Naruto looked exactly like Minato except for his whisker marks and red hair and purple eyes he believed that the people of Konoha where stupid that they can't find the matches and similarities between Naruto and Minato he didn't know was he supposed to happy for that or sad.

Hiruzen: How about we go out for a walk then maybe we can have ramen on the way hmm.

Naruto: That would be awesome jiji, what are we waiting for let's go dattebayo.

Hiruzen only chuckled at the boy's antics it seems he had also inherited his mother's verbal remarks. Soon they went for a walk then arrived at the ramen store.

Teuchi Ichiraku: Ahh if it isn't my favorite customer and greetings to you hokage sama, he said as he bowed.

Hiruzen: No need to for such formalities I will have one miso ramen.

Naruto: Heya old man and I will have my usual.

Teuchi Ichiraku: Hai your order will be delivered shortly Ayame could you make an miso ramen and one Naruto special, he said as he went into the kitchen.

Some time later Ayame came out with the ramen and hugged Naruto after placing the bowls down she hasn't seen him in the past two days and she was getting worried but now all the worries seems to have been gone, she couldn't believe how could people ignore some one as adorable as Naruto they had a little talk then she went in again.

Naruto and Hiruzen started eating their ramen, they ate in comfortable silence until Hiruzen decided to break the silence.

Hiruzen: Have you taught about what are you going to do Naruto-kun. Naruto taught about it for a while then he decided to answer.

Naruto: I will first become a shinobi then I will become hokage jiji then no one will ever ignore me again, I will prove them wrong.

Hiruzen: Hmm that is quite nice Naruto-kun, but you know being a hokage is not easy it is a lot harder than it seems, so why did you decide to become hokage Naruto-kun.

Naruto: I know jiji that being hokage is not easy he has to stand up against all the situations and never waver or lose hope he decides the life and death of many people and he has to go through his decisions no matter the outcome he has to hope and light of the village the one who people can always count on to help them, then Naruto paused for a moment to take a breath. Hiruzen was dumfounded by the answer Naruto gave him he was only 4 years old and he already knew the meaning of being a hokage he just beat Itachi's record, Hiruzen was bought out of his taught when Naruto decided to speak again.

Naruto: But you what they jiji the best way to revenge on some one is to prove them wrong and become a sucessful person then they will realize  just wrong it was for them to ignore me I will them that I will become strong, to become strong you don't need to come from a powerful clan, you only need to hard work and have unwavering determination just you wait jiji I will take the hokage hat from you. Naruto said as he finished his bowl of ramen, Hiruzen once again was dumfounded by his answer, on the other side Teuchi Ichiraku shed some tears of happiness he knew Naruto would become some great that day it was only proved right. Hiruzen for a moment saw Hashirama behind Naruto.

Hiruzen: I am sure you will Naruto-kun I am sure you will, now come on let's go it is getting late, said Hiruzen as got up from his seat Naruto complied and bid the Ichiraku family goodbye and went back home. It was been a few days since Naruto had met the aged hokage his life was back to normal or so he taught before the old war hawk decided to interwine he wanted Naruto to be handed to him so that he can train the boy and make him his weapon a weapon for his village but Hiruzen and shinobi council refused his ideals, so today he was going to send some root agents and kidnap Naruto.

Naruto was lying in his room when suddenly he sensed two charka signatures he tried to read their emotions but he couldn't so started to panick, he always knew there where some anbu who protected him the shadows but this was different he suddenly blacked out, he woke up after some time found himself in a forest everything was dark until he saw two masked people infront of him with a kunai their hand, he demanded to know where he was but they did not answer him, they suddenly jumped forward and kicked him he tries to block but it was useless he tried to run but it was useless they beat him for 10 minutes decided it was enough they went for the kill fear took over Naruto he didn't know what to do so just accepted his fate and closed his face then there was loud splash of blood splashing he felt something warm on his face he knew it was blood but there was no pain so he gathered enough courage to open his eyes what he saw horrified him the two masked men in front of him were pierced by a chain when he tried to find the source of the chain he saw it coming from his back then realization hit him he just killed two people he started panicking and from the pressure he passed out. When he woke up he saw that he was not in the forest anymore he was in a different place the place was filled with sakura blossoms and looked like a fantasy land he started panicking again, but then he heard a voice the voice was so smooth and relaxing to him.

Unknown voice: Please do not panick just follow the source of my voice okay.

Naruto compiled because he knew he could trust this voice it was familiar to him, so just he went towards the direction where the voice came from after walking for some time he saw the unknown figure she had same red hair as him she had purple eyes that were similar to his own.

Naruto compiled because he knew he could trust this voice it was familiar to him, so just he went towards the direction where the voice came from after walking for some time he saw the unknown figure she had same red hair as him she had purple eye...

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{Just imagine her eyes as purple}

Unknown voice: Hello my name is Uzamaki Sumi and I am your ancestor, she said with a beautiful smile.

End of chapter 2

Next chapter he will learn the truth about his parents and start his training this will different from regular training as you will see what is going to happen anyways seeya 

Please no hate :( this is my first time writing ever so please understand Thank you.

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