Chapter 2:Boboiboy Galaxy

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Chapter 2:Boboiboy Galaxy

Everyone sit and watch.The screen on theatre turn on and start projecting showing a logo that reviewed to be name as "Boboiboy Galaxy" in space with a planet as intents music as background.A shooting star strike behind make the intro be beautiful

Boboiboy:Boboiboy Galaxy?Why my name on there?

Boboiboy just confused why his name at there and what is about Galaxy while Amato have a theory what it's mean and excited to his own son future and how he handle himself in future (Yep "Biarlah dia berdikari").Back to the screen,The screen move down to a field of asteroids,one exploded from a beam like shot as two spaceships race against eachother-

Everyone:WHAT WAS THAT!?

The scene then showed the pirate spaceship filles with small pirates robots,piloting and shooting at other ship.The screen show an angry,one eyed freak,green-ish blue aliens that who be the captain.

Everyone except TAPOPS Member with Kaizo,Admiral Tarung,Ciciko and Amato:WHO THAT!?

TAPOPS Member with Kaizo,Admiral Tarung,Ciciko and Amato: Thoughts in angry Captain Separo!

They know who is he was.The captain of space pirateship and the hunter power shperas were on TAPOPS wanted list.

Boyz:That is Captain Separo. Captain Separo is one of Power Sphere Hunters that capture Power Spheres for their own personal gain. He is the head of Space Pirates that are willing to do anything to get what he wants.

Boboiboy:So he the hunter of power sphere....why he chasing that spaceship?

Boyz:Just watch it Boboiboy

Boboiboy continue see to the screen.The screen switch to Ciciko or Kokoci piloting inside the red spaceship with a power sphere next to him,who seemingly worried.That power sphere is Motobot

Motobot:Huh? Uh- oh no! What should we do,Commander?

Boboiboy:Dad?What kind of power sphere is that?

Amato:Oh that is Motobot.A power sphere type vehicles.Motobot can create Hi tech vechicles instantly

Boboiboy:Woah! Cool! Amazed with Motobot power

Kokoci:Fear not,Motobot.As a protector of power spheras,I will not let those pirates capture you.The commander said as he speed up the ship,continuously dodging the beams

Kokoci: Pull the lever Hiryaa!

The ship flew up in full speed,tilting everthing upwards

Motobot: Holding onto Kokoci's chair Urghh....!

Kokoci:Ugh.Not so fast Pushed a combination of buttons

A large asteroids up ahead was shattered from the shooting,A small pieces of the asteroids flew everywhere,making it difficult to dodge

Everyone:Oh my god....

Kokoci:Hgghhh.... Grunts as he dodge the shattered pieces skillfully and safe flew across the area.

Just the pirates approached the same area

Captain Separo:Argh.Defend the ship! Blast those rocks!

The scene show the minions robot pirates shooting the shattered asteroids but they losing track of kokoci spaceship

Captain Separo:HUH!? Where did he go?

Minion:Begging Your pardon, Captain! The ship cannot be detected

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