back to old house

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Just like waking up from a nightmare, Kirti opened her eyes suddenly, only to find herself in a world that seemed entirely different. It was her old room, the one she shared with her elder sister in their ancestral house ten years ago. Amazed and bewildered, Kirti examined her surroundings, discovering that everything remained exactly as she remembered - the familiar sheets and curtains, the elegant white wooden bookshelf opposite her, and even the worn-out sofa furniture.

Astonishingly, there stood the same walk-in wardrobe and dressing room, reminiscent of the past. 'How can everything be the same after all these years? Did I really survive the accident? Has someone brought me back to our old house?' Kirti questioned herself, her voice filled with wonder.

As she explored the room, reminiscing about the memories that lay dormant within its walls, Kirti's gaze was inevitably drawn towards the mirror in the dressing room. "This can't be possible," she gasped, her bewilderment swelling within her as she stared at her reflection. There she was, looking completely unscathed by the accident that had left a lasting mark on her life, but for a small, barely noticeable scar on her right temple – a souvenir from her childhood.

Kirti's complexion was fair, and her lips possessed a captivating rosy hue. Her once shoulder-length hair, now cascading down to the end of her waist, accentuated her ethereal beauty. As she examined the reflection of her deep, enchanting dark brown eyes, her heart skipped a beat. The girl she saw in the mirror appeared younger than the image she held of herself in her memories.

Confused and incredulous, Kirti tentatively reached out to touch her own face, and to her astonishment, every movement was seamlessly mirrored in the looking glass. "How can this be? Did my accident leave me disfigured to such an extent that I required plastic surgery? But even then, how could I appear so much younger, with skin so smooth?" she wondered aloud, her voice trembling with a mix of fascination and unease.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps interrupted Kirti's bewildered musings. The door to the room swung open, and standing before her was yet another perplexing sight. "She looks younger too," Kirti thought to herself, observing the unfamiliar girl who had entered. Something about her, or rather, the absence of something, struck her as odd. "Why isn't she wearing a ring? And where is the vermilion in her hair parting?" Kirti's mind raced with questions as her eyes were drawn to the girl's innocent visage.

"Is this a dream? Or could it be a bizarre manifestation of the afterlife, where my existence is replaying itself?" Kirti whispered to herself in disbelief, for the events unfolding before her eyes were beyond any logical explanation. Her heart pounded with anticipation, yearning to uncover the truth hidden within the depths of this mystifying revelation.

As Kirti observed the girl standing before her, a surge of recognition coursed through her veins. In those innocent eyes, she glimpsed a mirrored reflection of her past self. Could it be possible? Even my elder sister is looking this young and even now she is beautiful.

The mysterious girl, seemingly oblivious to Kirti's presence, began to explore the room with a wide-eyed fascination. The innocence radiating from her captivated Kirti's attention, transporting her back to a time when life was simpler, yet filled with its own trials and tribulations. Memories flooded Kirti's mind, reminding her of the dreams she once cherished and the love she longed to find.

"Why are you here?" she breathed, her voice heavy with emotion. Upon hearing Kirti's words, the young girl's expression shifted from curiosity to sheer disbelief. "Oh princess woke up?" Mahira the young girl in front of kirti said sarcastically, "If not here then where else should I be?" She continued.

When she looked at kirti again standing in front of her all perplexed she said "Baby sloth, since you woke up, don't sleep again. It is time for evening duties so sleep a little later." She sounded all commanding and gentle. In response to her, kirti unknown what to say, nodded her head in yes.

Mahira turned to take a book out of the bookshelf but stopped and turned to question kirti again "By the way, are you all fine now? Is it paining now too? "

Mahira's question was nothing much but still those words make kirti eyes brimming with tears. Maybe this is something she was waiting for someone to ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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