The Egg

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Zelda's POV
In McGongle class she told us there will be a ball and I'm so excited for it I need to mail my mom.
I walked to dinner in the Great Hall and I spotted Link laughing with his friends, it made me smile it's hard to see him as one as the champions I mean he could die and his sisters family friends and I would all be heartbroken. "Zelda." I look over and Zenobia waving at me. I walk over and sit down. We chatted for a while before Hufflepuff boy came over and asked her to go the ball with her.

She said yes and I was so happy for her. I glance over at Link who was goofing off with Fred and George. I playfully rolled my eyes than I looked at Harry who looked miserable I mean everybody thinks he is planning something with "You Know Who." I began to eat and I look over at Link who invited Harry to sit with him. Harry smiles and got up to sit with him. It made me smile how kind Link is.

I continued to eat when a paper ball came on my table. I grabbed it quickly and read it. "Hey can you meet me in library for the egg or whatever please right after dinner." I playfully roll my eyes and look at him and nod. He grins and Ginny looks at me suspiciously. Fred laughs at me. "Shut up." I said looking at him. "I didn't say anything. I roll my eyes and tried to finish my lunch in piece.

I went into the library and found Link reading. "Hey." I said and his eyes look at me and quickly stood up. "Hey, so you need help with the egg?" I said picking up a book. He nods and pulls a book out of the shelf.
It's probably been an hour before we starting to give up. "Ugh this gonna take forever." Link said starting to get angry. "Hey will find an answer." I said putting my hand on his shoulder. He smiled at me and we agreed to come back tomorrow.
We both walked out the library and Harry came running to us. "Hey Link I uh...I found a way to make the egg work thanks to Cedric." He said quietly. Link nods. "Put it in water." He said and walked away. "Thank you." He said as he waved away. We both headed to the bathroom.

Link took off his shirt and thank Merlin he was wearing a tank top with his regular black pants. I on the other hand was wearing a black jacket with a pink tank top and jeans. I took off my jacket and got in the water with Link.

Links POV
I saw Zelda take off her jacket and I immediately looked down at the water and she got in with me.
"Boo!" She jumped closer to me and we see moaning Myrtle. "Oh wrong room." She said while smirking. She floated over to me and her arm on my shoulder. "Am I right." She said while winking at me. I laugh awkwardly and she flies up in the air again. Zelda looks annoyed then rolled her eyes then looked at me. "What was that about?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders and smirked at her. I walked to edge of the bath or pool I don't know and I grabbed the egg and walked back well it was kinda hard since the water went to my waist. I made it back to her and we both touched the egg and went under water.

I open it and we saw mermaids swimming. I look over at her and her brown hair was standing up in the water. She looked at me shrugging her shoulders. The egg began singing then she grabbed my shoulder and pointed up and she went up out of the water. I followed her up there and her tank top was tight on her. "Link I know what it means." "What." "Mermaids are the key so..." I shrug my shoulders and she rolls her eyes. "There might be mermaids in the black lake."
"Oh." I said and she began to get out. I grabbed her arm and dragging her back in the water and she yelped. I laugh at her and she splashes water on me. We both beguine to get out but I needed to ask her something. "Zelda." "Hm." She said while smiling. "Will...will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" Her expression turned into a big smile. "Yes Link I would love to." She said while hugging me. I smile and we both tried off and headed to our common rooms

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