Wait What

14 0 0

I ran to my room and slam the door.
I started crying on my bed. My best friends Cho,Luna ,Zenobia, Padma Patil and Penelope Clearwater all came in and sat on my bed.
"Zelda what happened?" Luna asked me in her sweet voice. "I was gonna tell Link how I actually felt." "But I thought your weren't ready for a relationship." Cho tasked me confused. "I know but it's almost the end of the year and we're turning 14 so I thought......" "Well what happened ?" Padma asked me.

"I was going to tell him how I felt but before he told me he was dating Mipha Grace!" I said while tears filled my eyes again. "What did you say pack?" Zenobia asked me. I look up and roll my eyes. "I told him I was dating Ganon,but told him the reason why and he said it's fine as long as he gets to date me." I said resting my head on Cho's shoulder. "Well that's the key I actually think he still has a crush you." Luna said sounding convincingly.

The next day I get ready to go and I head down the stairs.
And head to the court yard to have a day with Fred and George when I see Link kissing Mipha then I see Ganon and run up to him and give him a kiss on the cheek. "By Ganay-boo I haft to go!" I looked over my shoulder and see Link eyeing Ganon and rolled his eyes.
"Zelda what the heck are you doing." George asked me?" "I'll tell you on the way to hogsmead." I whispered and pulled the twins out of the court yard.

Links POV

What the heck so me and Zelda kiss led and I asked her out and she rejected me and that's fine but Ganon out of all people him and not to mention I almost died because of him like what the heck I felt jealous but I was dating Mipha so I don't really need to. I look at Zelda going out with Fred and George. "Link darling what's wrong?" Mipha asked me. I smiled and looked at her. "Nothing at all ."

Zelda's POV
"So explanation for kissing Ganon." Fred said.  "Oh and why'd you call him Ganon-boo like a love struck girl." George said while playing pushing me. I blush. "Listen you know how I rejected Link." They both nod. "Well I actually liked him and since I'm turning 14 soon so I actually was going to tell him how I felt but he told me he was dating Mipha and I couldn't so I decided to get him back by dating.... but I told him the real reason and he said he do care as long as he dates me." They look at me and rolls there eyes. "Zelda let's get your mind off Link and go to Wizard Weazers Weaselys." I roll my eyes and they take me in their shop.

We goof of and prank people and I finally got my mind of Link.

A/N  I know it's short but I had to and I'll make another later

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