The Unexpected

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chapter 1

It was February 4th the day before Lacie's 18th birthday and her brother Lucas was going to throw her a surprise party. But what he didn't know is what was going on behind his back. She was staying at her friends house a month ago when a rogue showed up drunk and wouldn't leave her alone she tried to get him off of her but he wouldn't. Lacie was only 4'5 and weighed only 90 pounds she was very small and couldn't defend herself very well. A week after that she missed her cycle and took a pregnancy test only to find out the most unexpected news of her life. She was pregnant with a rogue baby and if anyone found out she would be kicked out the pack. It was about 11pm the night before her party and lucas came into her room and found her crying and holding her stomach. He said out loud what the hell is wrong with you its the night before you find out who your wolf is why aren't you happy? She looked at him with the fear he would be mad and said i was raped by a rogue wolf lucas! He just looked at her and said wow this is not what i expected to hear. He just got up and walked away. Lacie was so scared of what he thought Because he was the only family they had after their parents died. She walked out of her room and went to the kitchen where lucas was at and said "Lucas are you mad at me" Lucas said no Lacie i am scared, what if alpha finds out then what are we going to do? Lacie continues talking and tells Lucas i missed my period and i took a test and its positive what am i going to do now. Lucas got very mad and just walked outside then walks back inside not even 5 minutes later and says does anyone know? Lacie just shakes her head no and goes to bed.
  The next morning, Lacie wakes up to Lucas at the foot of her bed to wish her a happy 18th birthday. She gets so scared and screams and starts crying and apologizes to Lucas, but he stopped her and said im so sorry for scaring you. Lacie got up and hugged Lucas and said let me take a shower and get dressed and we can have the normal birthday breakfast like we always do. He got up and left her room. while she was in the shower she started to notice her stomach getting bigger and so she just held it and felt so much peace. she got out and walked downstairs to Lucas without looking to find alpha Andrew in the house and said i want to keep the baby. when she noticed him she just looked at Lucas and he looked so disappointed in her. Alpha Andrew just looked at her and demanded answers to what she said so she told him and he understood what he had to do and reassured her that everything was going to be okay and wished her a happy birthday and said ill see you at your turning ritual later tonight. Lacie just ran and hugged Lucas with everything she had and he said im sorry he had to find out this way and she said its okay he was going to find out anyways because im showing already and he looked down and touched her belly with a shock on his face. He said wow Lacie you are just as beautiful as you always have been i love you so much i want you to have the best birthday ever and don't tell anyone yet until alpha Andrew figures out what he wants to do with the news he just heard.
   Later that day when she went to go put on her white dress for the ritual it was really tight and her brother had to get his friend sheyanne to help get the dress to fit her right. When she left to her turning ritual her friend hazel and jake was already there waiting on her. She hugged them with laughter saying how nervous she was but Hazel told her she would do great. hazel was 22 years old her brothers age and jake was 19, they already had thier wolfs and they wouldn't miss their best friends day to meet her wolf. The alpha told her to strip her clothes off and for everyone to turn so she could change but as she did she noticed the alpha he wouldn't turn away he just looked and seen her bump and as soon as the moonlight hit her she turned into a pure white wolf, the most beautiful wolf the pack has seen in 50 years. Alpha Andrew told Elza (her wolf name) to run around with him and Lucas by themselves to talk about her pregnancy and he had this sort of like haze go over him and the smell of vanilla and marshmallows made him want to touch her so bad while his wolf started talking to her wolf and they knew they were mates and Lucas felt it and said with love to the alpha so he didn't get mad and want to kill him, do want her with her being pregnant with a rogues baby and he said Lucas to be honest i don't know right now i have to figure out if she will be strong enough for luna and see if i can find this rogue so i can make sure he never comes near Lacie and the baby. Then i will make my mind up and tell her so she knows. Alpha Andrew told Lucas privately to make sure she is eating and sleeping well she starts training tomorrow and with her being pregnant we won't know what will happen.
   Later that night, Lucas made Lacie a huge dinner cause her apatite has went up a lot lately and she went to take a shower and get some sleep but when she went to lay down she couldn't sleep, she just laid on her back staring at the ceiling wondering what Alpha Andrew would say when he made up his mind. Hours went by and soon she heard Lucas awake so she got up and went to his room, to find him crying and so she rushed over to him to see what was wrong, and he explained how he was just scared out of his mind cause he don't want to loose me and is afraid that alpha Andrew with reject me. I told Lucas that whatever happens will happen either way we are family and we will never loose each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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