Off to the party we go.


"So what was that explosion of anger from you earlier why'd you go off on Syd like that." Asking the question I've been itching to ask since earlier.

"Nothing!" He exclaims. "I'm just tired of her trying to control things every time she comes here."

"That's not what she does, she's our older cousin she's just looking out for us, you know all she's been through." I try to explain but Jake scoffs obviously not having it.

"Let's drop it Jc, and enjoy this party tonight alright." He always gets so hot whenever I try to talk to him about this shit it pisses me off.

"Fine whatever, fuck you" I retort making him smack me in the back of the head, us both laughing as I trip over my own feet.

We finally make it after a 15 minute walk and Jake and I messing around the entire time and the party's already in full effect. Everyone's outside drinking and dancing, this is my favorite thing in the world.

We walk in and immediately see Kirby talking to Charlie. Damn one party I can't go to and she's all over the guy that wants her.


"She wants me." I hear Charlie tell his fucking nerd fuck friend.

"Hey, Jc!" I turn around looking for whoever just called my name and I see the beautiful Samantha Carpenter.

"Well if it isn't the beautiful Samantha Carpenter" I speak my thoughts making Jake stop in his tracks to walk back over to us.

"What the hell are you doing?" He ask to which I just put my hand in his face shoving him away. I wrap my arm around Sam's shoulder walking to the keg to grab us some drinks.

"What would you like?"

"Beers fine" she shrugs. Nope not gonna slide with me. I grab a bottle of tequila and walk off grabbing Sam's hand.

"The parties that way" she says.

"Yeah I'm not in the mood for a party anymore" I say taking a sip of the burning liquor, continuing my adventure around the building.

Eventually we find a tennis court and I lead her in the cage sitting down on the pavement. She follows my lead laying down, then I do the same turning to face her.

"How has everything been?" I ask softly.

"Terrible. I want to run away" she tells me.

"Tell me about it." I scoff. "Let's make a deal." I say to which she raises her eyebrows at.

"If by 18 things don't get better we'll run away together."

"Ive always wanted to go to Modesto" she responds lightly.

I burst out into laughter at that. "Modesto really? Out of everywhere in the world" I say

"Yeah, I mean unless I'm rich as fuck and I can live in Beverly Hills, I wouldn't mind settling in Modesto for a while"

"Okay Modesto it is." I say smiling. Sam looks down at my lips and starts to lean in making my eyes widen, I jump to sit up Sam following me just as quick.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"No it's fine, I'm sorry Sam i just.. I'm in a relationship and I can't screw this one up."

"No no I completely understand, I shouldn't have done that."

"It's okay Sam." I smile, that was my fault I've been leading her on flirting making her think I like her, which I don't... I don't right?

"Jc?" I hear Kirby call out. Shit... I jump up grabbing a racket and ball. Throwing one to sam just as Kirby walks through the gates.

"Hey baby!"

"What are you doing out here?" She questions eyeing Sam and the bottle next to her then looking over to me.

"Ahh I wasn't really feeling the party scene anymore so I met up with Sam. You know, she's really good at tennis." I say making Sam quickly shake her head no, stopping when Kirby turns to look at her again.

"Really teach the both of us." Kirby challenges raising her eyebrow.

"Oh you know my arms pretty shot right now, I'm gonna head back to the party." Sam runs off leaving just Kirby and I.

"Jc what's really going on?" She questions.

I sigh looking away from her eyes staring into my soul. "Sam almost kissed me.... But I immediately turned her down."

"Why would she try and kiss you Jc?"

"I may have been subconsciously flirting. But only because I saw you flirting with Charlie and it made me upset." I explain knowing I sound like a child right now but I don't care.

"I just told him he did a good job with the party and all, that's it. I told you I'm not into Charlie. Look I understand you need reassurance and I haven't really given that to you, maybe that's the reason you keep getting drawn to Sam. Just next time you feel hurt by me come to me, I won't get angry" she says cupping my face.

"I'm sorry Im gonna work on not being so insecure" I say looking into her eyes. Kirby really understands me and doesn't get mad at the stupid actions I make. That's why I love her.

Shit I love Kirby Reed.

"It's okay baby we'll learn together" she says pulling me into a loving kiss, giving me the opportunity to show her how I feel at least until I can say it out loud.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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