丅ᕼᗴ LEDǤᗴ

77 3 1

I tried to make sense of it all. But it was all so overwhelming.

'What do I know so far?' I thought to myself. 'Well, there are "games," and each game is represented by a card. Depending on the number of the card shows the "games" difficulty. Ann was gonna tell me what the suits meant, but that was when the building collapsed.'

'Okay, okay, what else? There are things called visas, and if you run out of days on your visa, you... die? I have no idea how. And you gain days on your visa through completing games.' I thought about it some more, and it made a bit of sense.

'So technically, it's a way to force players to play the games. Which means the games must be governed by someone. Yet, they give time for brakes in between games, which would suggest they want everyone to have time to rest and heal up. So do they want everyone at at peak performance? That would either mean they want us to complete and beat the games... or they want them to be more entertaining... perhaps for some sort of audience?'

There was so much crammed into my head that it started to hurt. Just thinking about it was giving me a migrane. 'Yesterday, I was walking home from my boring ass job. And now... I'm here. I should've taken the stupid taxi.'

I sighed, still trying to make some sense of my thoughts. I sat on a street bench until i decided it was probably best to just not think about it at all.

'If I'm gonna survive out here, I'm gonna need resources. And by the looks of it, the people here aren't that friendly. So preferably some weapons to go with it.'

Walking through the streets, every store seemed to be in pieces, smashed in doors, and broken windows. The only buildings that seemed to look even semi usable were game venues.

I wandered into the first supermarket I found. All the fruits and vegetables in their baskets were practically old moulded mush. I found it strange, but then again, I found all of this strange.

All I desperately wanted was to find someone like Ann again. Have them explain everything. But that wasn't gonna happen, I was alone.

Looking through the aisles, everything that was useful was gone, and everything that was left was unedible.

I managed to pull together enough to eat for the night, but in the future, I would definitely have to start hunting and foraging.

'Maybe I should stop by the library, find some books on fishing and types of berries and stuff. Also, paper is a great burner for a fire.' I thought to myself.

The delicious, well-balanced meal of tonight was two energy bars and a tub of peanut butter. Fun fact about peanut butter, It doesn't need refrigerating and can last up to 3 to 5 years. Don't ask me how I know that.

In the daytime, it didn't feel as scary. Everything was bright and colourful. It was actually kinda cool. But now, inside the market, I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face.

I made my way outside and found it was much lighter on the streets, the moon creating a light glow over the busted cars and battered buildings. I noticed a stairwell beside the building that must've led to the roof. There was no harm in checking it out, right?

The metal was loud under my feet and reminded me that I would need to get better clothes, my worn out trainers and button-up were hardly apocalypse attire.

When I got to the roof, I sat down and looked up. Usually, the sky would be pitch black, but it was crazy, I had never seen so many stars. They were so big and bright, like something out of a movie.

Though, my joy was short lives as red dots appeared amongst them. They seemed to adjust themselves ever so slightly. Some moved only an inch, some didn't move at all, and some seemed to run across the sky.

Suddenly, they lunged downward to the ground with a large red lazer before shooting into the ground seemingly one by one until they had all disappeared. One of which was only a few buildings down from me.

Yes, I probably should have been sleeping and conserving energy for my next game. But i was way too on edge, so that was never gonna happen.

As I rounded the corner into the small alleyway, a wave of fear washed over me. Why was I doing this. This was stupid. Curiosity killed the cat, and it was likely going to kill me, too.

But in the darkness, I saw something small, glowing red... a circle? I had no idea what it was.

As my eyes adjusted, I could finally make out a figure, lying there, on the floor. That's when it clicked. It was a person. A person with a glowing, red burning hole straight through their head, blood pooled underneath his limp body.

...That's what the lazers were. Was it because they cheated? Did they forfeit? Were they just boring? I had no idea. But, I had no idea about anything, and every time I tried to forget that fact, this place constantly succeeded in reminding me.

As my eyes continued to adjust, I saw a figure on the other side of the alley, however this one was very much alive. With their hands in their pockets, the clean white jacket they wore stood out from the musty dark background behind them as they just stood infront of me... staring.

I had no idea what to do. They hadn't tried to hurt me. What if they were someone like Ann... or what if they were someone like those beach people.

Their face was cloaked in darkness, but somehow, I could tell they were looking directly at me.

I backed away hesitantly, one foot behind the other. They still hadn't said anything, but to be fair, neither had I. Then, the person took a step forward. Before they even had the chance to get close to me, i spun on my heel and bolted in the opposite direction, down the street.

I didn't hear any sort of footsteps following me or chasing me. So I could only assume the figure was there for the person with the hole in their head. Maybe like a cleanup crew?

What boggled my head even more was the fact they were wearing white... white! Really? in this place.

Soon, I reached a large body of water, and my running slowed to a stop. My hands rested on the railing as I huffed and took in my surroundings, I looked across the swaying waves at what was on the other side.

It looked surreal, like a bright beacon.

A building...? A resort?


~ 1156 Words

𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 / 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐃𝐘 (Y/n X Chishiya)Where stories live. Discover now