Trent gave one look in her direction and ran into the bathroom to start the shower after confirming with me that I wouldn't go anywhere.

The first works that came out of her mouth when she looked me up and down, "Chloe, you are acting strange. Are you—"

"I'm fine! Just leave me alone." I buried my head into my hands. I wanted to look back up from my hand and for her to just disappear, hoping that was enough for her to leave the room. My wish didn't come true.

"No. You are not fine! Neither is my brother, no matter what he tells you. You left him, and broke his heart." She wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"I broke his heart! He turned me into this!" I gestured to myself as I did a quick turn around so she could see from all angles the disaster I turned into. "I never wanted to be this. I don't want to be you!"

I expected her to yell at me--I wanted her to yell at me, but she just gave a smile. "Don't you feel better now?"

She did that on purpose, riled my emotions up. Just like a game.

"Get out," I whispered.


"Kally, she told you to get out. She shouldn't have to repeat herself." Trent stood at the door with just a towel wrapped around his waist. His eyes slowly being taken over by red. He looked at me, ran into the closet to change into some clothes, and instantly had me placed on his lap.

Kally was no longer in the room when I blinked.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why...?" His words trailed off.

"Why. Me?" Kally's appearance in the room didn't put me in a good mood. I stared up at the ceiling. The boring white ceiling, no more skies filled with stars: Trapped. I could feel my fists start to clench.

Memories started to flash in my head. If I wouldn't have befriended Jen, If I would have fought harder to escape the smelly man with blood on his mustache, if I paid more attention to the news and the sirens. They were all the signs that vampires were on the loose and were on their way to my neighborhood. If I just would have ended dinner sooner and would have ran to the car so my family and I would have drove away; far away. Then maybe when the door got knocked down, there would have been an empty house. Not the way it did, with a family sitting at a table oblivious to the people with fangs, and the girl that got pushed out the door crying.

"You are my beloved." He said.

That was all it took for two sharp objects to jam into my lips. My fangs had come out.

"I know! But why? Who picked me for you! Why me!" I hissed through my words.

"I don't know how it works, but it's a miracle it happened. Not every vampire gets what we have." I hadn't realized that my body was shaking till he wrapped me up in his arms, and petted my hair.

My fangs were so close to his neck. If I just took all his blood he could pass out and I could take him back to Jen and everything will be done. She can do whatever she wants to him and my job would be done. Trent told the guards not to bother him, so they won't even be around here, but I hesitated. I looked over his shoulder at the mirror behind him, staring at a thing with fangs, red eyes, and the same color hair as me; it was me.

A silent battle was going on in my head. All I had to do was bite. Why couldn't I just bite?

The pounding built in my head.

Why did I have to be the one involved, but there was no turning back now, I was already involved. And the worst part was the person I wanted to hate the most pulled my heart strings the most, and he was still wrapped up in my arms.

Trent killed so many people, he killed the innocent, he killed Jen's family.

I was wasting time.

"Vampires are heading straight for town, they might turn and go the other way, but please everyone lock up all your doors. It will be a long night," the news caster said. I turned off the TV. There was no way that was going to happen. We are well guarded.

I lean in more.

"Honey, what was that noise?" My mom glanced at the door the same time my dad did. I took a sip of water.

I could feel his muscles relax under my touch.

"You have to go now! Chloe, we love you, but you need to run! Just run!" The door broke into millions of pieces

I kissed around his neck.

Red eyes and fangs.

He looked up at me in a haze and stepped back.

A family covered in blood.

I lunged. He is the monster. He needs to die.

Okay, this is slightly rushed!!

But I needed to give you something since I have not posted in so long! (So sorry about that) but I'm back and it's summer! So more updates!

Also I'm going to enter this book in the wattys 2015 this year, so if you really love this story you can go to twitter and take this stories IRL and than put #mywattyschoice.

Oh you can follow me on Twitter too (I got one, but forgot to tell you guys!) Its: inspired2fly

Thank you so much for all your support. I can't believe you read all the way up to chapter 20!

Monster MarksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora