Albert's poor potions...

Start from the beginning

He had ran back to the room with the remaining Kool-Aid looking ahh drink in his hand, tilted Mister Morigyatty's chiseled gigachad chin up in the air as if Watson was making him see the stars in the day-lit skies with how shocking the entire thing was, and had forced him to drink it. When William had tried to begin to resist, Louis SQUIRTED~? GRAPEFRUIT IN HIS EYES.....!!! William had begun to shriek louder than he ever did for anybody in his entire life, and that kind of probability is absolutely batshit.

"BROTITHTHTHTHEEHEHEHEHEHRRRR WHAT ARE YOU DOUNGGGGGGGG.G..... THIS ISN'T THONG WAPSON'S LIQUID... LWHAT DID YOU PUT IN MY EYESSSSSS!?" William hollered, his scarlet eyes were even more crimson as it had just distracted him from the mysterious liquid he had just drunk.

"KARMA IS YOUR NONEXISTENT BOYFRIEND, KARMA IS A GOD, KARMA IS THE FEELING OF MY SMILE WATCHING YOUR END.." Louis had swung his original song as perfectly as Taylor Swift could.. and William was so amazed by what his vocal cords were able to do, that he wondered how he had gotten no maidens yet with such a flexible throat. 

"LOUISSSSS.... LOOK.... I'M SORRYRY... I'VE BEEN A BADDDDD BOYYYYYY..." William cried, as his face appeared to be becoming more and more emotionally numb, as he started to have fewer reactions to the glass shards in his laced, scarlet panties and shit-stained suit. He had no idea what the liquid he had swallowed was, but all of his absolutely stupid thoughts began to spread farther out than Louis's four-eyes as he was taking in all of the pleasure he was starting to feel. He felt like a psychopath, copying Alazin's mechanisms!!

"Brother... squirt more grapefruit in my eyes, I actually kind of liked it." William said, smiling as his tears begun to dry, a million times drier and angrier than Mary Watson quite recently. Louis was confused, and thought it was some type of reverse psychology hack and he found on youtube shorts... and he kept going. He wanted William to comprehend what true pain was for watching gay porn of a pancake flat ass.... ESPECIALLY without his permission, because who the fuck does such a thing?? William had begun to smile more.

"Are you high, brother?" Louis looked concerned. What the fuck was going on with his cold ass brother that was beginning to turn warm.

"The Kool-Aid..... it d-did something..." William smiled, beginning to flop like a fucking fish on the floor. "IMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ALIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE BROTHA!!!M" William had proposed, spiraling off of the floor and punching Louis's glasses off. "AND YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR SINS!!!" William said, as he fractured Louis's rib really calmly. 


You could hear some sophomore girl starbucks keys getting twisted through the lock outside, and a car horn honking the Pornhub intro. William was still as happy as ever for no apparent reason, and Louis was sitting on the ground, still trying to embrace the g he had just received, even though his cut is as flawless as his dog bark impressions. That's it.... nobody knew he could do this...... but it was a necessary..l-life or death....... be the dog or fight the one that becomes the dog when Thong Wapson is present....

"BARK BARK BARK BARK BARRKRKRKRKRKRKRKRKKR.......... AWOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Louis claws had begun to show, as he was releasing his full potential, transforming into the almigty b-big bad wolf.... William whimpered, still blushing red at his excitement overall, as the substance was dripping all over the floor, it's red liquid painting the marble effortlessly. The door had begun to open, leaving the portrait brunette gel-haired man pissing his pants, the awful smell trailing all over the house as he had stepped forward in his...... lingerie???? (He had told Mycroft to stay in the car) He had wobbled like a penguin on it's period over to Louis, thinking it was William.

"I hehardd avoit whartt you fdidd Willkammmmm...." He had said, trying to lay a punch at his younger brother, but instead trampling onto him. Louis's barking had worked, but at what cost?? Louis screeched as he had realized that.. his brother was fucking WASTED, and I mean WASTED more than all of John's potential children... and that should've been a MASSIVE ratio... which makes this case a massively serious one.. 

"ALBERT..... I'M N-NOT WILLIAM??" Louis said, tryna lift his baby hand up. It had no use after all of the experience that Albert has with his fist.

"Youueueueee areeeme lyigngnggg to memee....... youuuu utihihink you coulddd takeem adfantageee of a drunkekdkkkk gentleeeemsnsnan? Olnlhlyyyy Williammsmsmm doesssss the e barkinggfffgggfff..." Albert claimed, sucking on a dum-dum wine flavored lollipop. It was a replacement of Mycroft. The alcohol on his breath smelt like William's unwashed secret socks and spicy toothpaste, and it was rather rancid as Louis had no pleasure in taking huge whiffs. 

"ALBERT IT'S ME..... WILLIAM'S OVER THE-" Louis's eyes had widened as William was consuming more of the substance, and so did Albert's. Albert coughed up a hairball of mucus in his throat from this hybridness, and had begun to felt his heart race. William had become feral for it, he had started turning into the feral puppy that Sherly was looking for, and had twisted his limbs like Christopher Pierre and maneuvered his way to his younger brother like Count Dracula like the hot as fuck man he is.

"Loisisissss..... .stop frinking my ptotionnn..... itits nott fror innocenet littrlee boys like youuuy..y..." Albert had said, trying to snatch the potion out of William's slippery and moist hands, but it was no use as the man could barely walk straight, disregarding if he truly is straight or not. All he saw surrounding him was the ghost of Mycroft, his buddy that he had went drinking with that one night, and now he was only finally returning home to this atrocity. 

"Losisisissss..... orrr areees youjj Microsofottt???" Albert had said, attempting to kiss who he had thought was Mycroft, but instead he was puckering his lips at the air. Obviously, the man needed some rest, as he hasn't gotten any sleep in literally one week, due to the fact he absolutely cherished playing Minecraft with his pookie. First, he had thought William was Louis, now, he believes he is Mycroft. Surely, the man couldn't think straight. Louis had to think of an idea, and he had to fathom one out of his peanut brain extremely quickly. HE KNEW WHAT TO DO. Albert needed to go to the retirement home for a few hours. Louis had ran to pick Albert up, even if his rib was FRACTURED, but he had gotten greeted with a sharp and mighty slap on the wrist as if it was done with precision and consciousness. Albert had got up, and he had wiped the substance off of his clothes and smiled at Louis, as he had been on his knees, injured, on the marble floors once again. Albert had begin to chuckle at his little brother's stupidness.

"ALBERT??" Louis snarled. He fell for Albert's acting again, had he? After all, with all of the plans that they had accomplished, it's nothing but nature to the baby Morigyattys to put on a convincing show.

"Baby brother, it's safe to say that you're a wholehearted idiot..." Albert laughed, slapping his knee like it were dislocated severely. "What man do you presume me to be if you thought I wouldn't be able to handle 69,000 glasses of wine intermittently? It felt as good as Mycroft's chest hair..."

"I think you're just a whore...... Arbys man...." Louis said, growling like a lost and confused dog.

"You're not wrong,,, teheheheehehehehehehe...." Albert said, ever so calmly as his gaze had shot back to William engaging like a gentleman with the nearest, pointy table edge. Louis rolled his eyes, as Albert had put his glasses on. He had anticipated that he was.... he was.... H-HE WAS G-GOING INTO N-N-N-🤓-NERD MODE!!!

"You see, my little filthy previously-commoner brother.." Albert had begun, sucking on a wine-flavored lollipop because he was fond of trying to look sexy during any occasion. (he really is though) "I a-am a mad scientist, and th-that is my secret..."

"YOU'RE A....






Louis huffed and puffed at what his elder, original noble brother has told him. He couldn't believe he was gazing at a mad scientist, as he thought his only education was Mycroft's how-to-make-them-bark-for-you instruction videos, usually watched by brits who love to eat cardboard. 

What was he g-going to do.... k-knowing the darkside of his Arbys....... and what was he going to orchestrate to get William to stop moaning over a chair leg swiftly..... life is not going good... all because a bluish-greenish-grayish-piss-yellow-blondish haired twink ruined it... 

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