Albert's poor potions...

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(school sucks, if ur a reader im sorry for not feeding u ur daily trauma in so long ☠️)

The situation that had just debunked upon the Morigyattys' lustful and sexy polished floors was absolutely horrendous, and juicy, in all of the sinister ways, as William Morigyatty had been consuming the precious flower food that dances on his tongue just like John's secret sauce, while staring at all of the broken glass shards that had surrounded him, as this was done by his teeny no weeny little baby boy brother. As he laid there, similar to the position he's in when John had asserted dominance upon him when Sherlock went to Victoria's Secret to seek out some new lacey u-u-undergarments for work purposes, he had wondered what he had ever done to deserve such cruel acts, casted upon him by his own little brother that he had sworn to encapsulate the innocence of (he didn't.) Like he had not just squirted the fishiest, most foul amount of grapefruit into the little one's unsaturated, scarlet twinkling little star orbs, he had tried to get up with his weak as fuck arms, but unfortunately it was no use. He wasn't the dominant one anymore like with adult film stars. He was helpless, like how he viewed Louis Morigyatty...... (how dare he)

"B-brother.... I-i-i......." Louis had wiggled his baby pinkies together, trying to not stammer upon his precious words when talking to the man that had guided him throughout his entire life. The unspeakable acts of his now-noble brother had left him utterly speechless, and his heart was going to be unhealthy again due to factor that it kept skipping beats out of disappointment.... His heart can't take this chaos anymore...... He had begun to do puppy dog eyes, trying to still look good while bestowing a horrific punishment.

"I can't believe my older brother would be into gay porn!!! His ass is so flat brother, I at least thought you'd be into some fair maidens, like have eyes on a girl somewhere out there that's a dirty blonde, you know.........IT IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!." Louis had said, while trying to look for options to hit his rancid brother with like Lady Moriarty.... William Morigyatty was speechless thar he could do such a thing, that he could seek such foul revenge... but who could blame him?

"I'm sorry L-Louis.......... I-I thought..... you'd......PWEASE........" Mister Morigyatty had begun to start shaking. He was ashamed of what he had did, more ashamed than when he had let Sherlock's baby carrot enter his secondary, masculine secret chamber.

"PLEASE L-LOUIS......... I THOUGHT YOU WANTED ME TO H-HAVE A NEW MAN TO PENETRATE ME.... TO HELP ME THROUGH ALL OF MY ADDICTIONS....... SOMETHING I COULD PAY MONEY TOO THAT'S N-NOT JUST THE UNWEALTHY........ HE NEEDS TO PAY HIS MUNEY TO THAT DORA-BANGED LADY!?!" Mister Morigyatty, or William, had poured what was left of his beating heart into that disclaimer as his consciousness was slowly lighting up and his eyes had stopped glowing red like the big bad wolf demon alpha, but he had just received pure silence in exchange. 

Louis had been looking around, knowing that Wiliam was still way too sore to begin moving on his own once more... he had discovered something in fact fascinating as much as it was concerning laying around underneath Albert's crusty-musty-dusty-dirtier-than-Watson's-carved-in-ussy moist and sticky bedsheets. It had seemed to be pouring over, as it was some sort of free-ranged liquid that was unheard of, so unheard of.. that even John wouldn't know what exactly it was labelled, even though he masters the arts of every single liquid out there, and it's quite a pleasurable job. The substance had shun a bright, saturated blinding red, so much that it was brighter than the household heating pad's (Sherlock's) man periods.. BUT THIS WASN'T THE PURPOSE! On the bottle that it was oozing out of, a disclaimer was attached to a sticky note, also attached to the glass bottle. It had read out that it was safe to consume, but not exactly what this was. Louis's Sherlock's dick-sized brain had liked this idea, and he was going to make William consume it to see if it would benefit him.....

John Watson's SECRET...Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum