"You got the Freshies too." he snickered, patting my back.

I rolled my eyes at him before approaching them, each of them looking like they were about either puke, shit, or piss themselves as they watched me get closer.

"Here." The boy in the middle squeaked as he held out a wad of cash.

I took one look at the cash and a look at the five boys in front of me, "C'mon, this is math tutoring. You think I don't know what 10 ones look like?"

"I fuckin' told you." One of them whispered to the guy in the middle before they took more money out.

I grinned, pocketing the money before sitting down with them, "Kay, so what you guys got for me?"

"Mr. Brown, Geometry." One boy said, sliding a failed quiz toward me.

"Ahh, Johnny." I sighed as I popped the cap off my whiteboard marker. "Definitely don't miss that asshole." I joked, making the boys snicker. Though terrorizing freshmen was fun, there was no point in being a dick toward kids who just paid you to teach them basic geometry.

The next group of students came in a few minutes later, and after another 10, we were in full swing. The kids in the same classes quickly found each other and paired up in different sections of the room, leaving only a few stragglers who were working silently on their own.

"Okay, now try and work on the next 3 questions for a few minutes." I instructed, standing up from a table of sophomores. I took a glance around the crowded room. The majority of the room was watching Andrew perform basic transformations on the whiteboard, while those who weren't taking the pre-calculus quiz were working on things I assigned them.

I sighed as I sat down in the teachers chair, sorting through the money we've accumulated before putting it in the fanny pack Andrew would eventually go through to calculate profits. It was Andrew's idea to start the tutoring business in the first place. Although, he didn't really do it for the money; he mostly did it for college applications, as well as the fact that his father absolutely ate up the idea of his son being an entrepreneur. So, when he asked me to be his co-founder and offered a 50/50 split, I jumped at the opportunity.

Just as I finished hiding the fanny pack in Andrew's backpack, a blonde walked through the classroom doors. My head whipped to her direction only to be sorely disappointed to see a different cheerleader than the one I was hoping for. It'd been exactly a week since I offered Kristen a free lesson, and at this rate, the chances of her showing seemed grim.

Once she sat down and got settled, I got up to approach her.

"New face." I smirked before sitting at the desk facing hers. "Meghan, right?"

The blonde raised an amused eyebrow, "You memorize everyone's names?"

I shrugged, "Thought I should at least know the captain who's gonna be cheering for my team."

She rolled her eyes, obviously not impressed with my humor, "Mrs. Kelly, Calc AB, question 3." she said bluntly, pushing a practice test as well as her five dollar entrance fee toward me.

"Okayyy..." I mumbled to myself as I wrote the problem on my mini whiteboard. "Well, when X approaches negative infinity, the limit of e to the power of x will always equal zero. So, the answer is zero. For example, the graph of e goes from slightly above zero to infinity, so when X approaches negative infinity, aka moves the left, e is approaching zero." I explained as I drew the graph for her.

"Huh, I guess you do know your shit." She mumbled as she looked over my answer.

I shrugged, "You get a lot of practice when you teach this shit 3 days a week."

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