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Hello! I am here to give you a TGCF book to enjoy reading and feel the moments of the scenes you read, I have another TGCF book called TGCF reacts and this book is a small sequel to it, not much but a little bit!

In the description of the book it says to not copy or steal my oc's, if you want to use them please give me credit and don't be cruel and not steal another person's work because it's not right (The art in the cover is by Star Amber if I spelled correctly, also i can't draw like that anyway so you'll know which art is mine :>)

Now, time for the oc's! (Note for the female oc I'm doing which is extremely rare for me to do considering I don't usually do female readers or oc's I want you to know there will be no love interests for the female oc)


Name: Ying Yue

Meaning of name: Reflection of the moon

Status: Alive, God

Description: A wise yet cold man that became the god of the moon at the age of thirteen almost turning fourteen, he is usually known by descriptions of what people think they saw (which was his female form) and wrote stories about him in his female form but only one story was made with him in hi
s male form which was very inaccurate, he is also known to get mistaken as a woman many times, he never leaves the moon unless it's extremely important and he also has ‘dream walking’ which is the reason mortals found because he went from dream to dream (took from Princess Luna from MLP)

Hair color, shape and length: His hair is always down, his hair goes down to his ankles that is a beautiful white and is always wavy unless he's in water

Eye color and eyelashes: His eye color is a beautiful dark purple with actual twinkling stars in them and his eyelashes are very long and a white like his hair (along with his eyebrows being white too)

Clothes: A pure black silk kimono that has actual twinkling stars and constellations in it, the sleeves go past his hands making his hands get covered up along with the bottom on his kimono covering his feet making it drag behind him

Shoes: Black wooden sandals

Socks: He doesn't want to talk about it-

Backstory: Unknown except for when he became a god

Name: Nuo Yong

Meaning of name: Graceful and brave

Status: Alive, mortal (human)

Description: A hardworking farmer that's independent yet dependent and loves learning about wars, swords and fighting hence why people call him a graceful yet brave man

Hair color, shape and length: His hair goes about an inch past his shoulders, his hair color is a slightly dark brown and loves to put his hair up in a bun (except for his bangs)

Eye color and eyelashes: His eye color is a regular brown and his eyelashes are the same color as his hair, his eyelash length is decently long

Clothes: Wears dirty overalls, a bamboo hat (like Xie Lian's bamboo hat) and has bandages around his arms because of old scars he's insecure of

TGCF x Male oc(s)Where stories live. Discover now