Chapter 1: Wizard's Lair

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Manhattan. Saturday, October 28, 2007.

"Mozzie has a bunker?" Sara turned to stare at Neal in disbelief as they walked along Riverside Drive.

"I had the same reaction when he told me," Neal said. "That was about two years ago. You should feel honored to be included in the select few who know about it."

A half-hour ago, Mozzie had called Neal, instructing him to bring Sara to his ultimate safe house. When Neal told her, she assumed it was the start of an elaborate Halloween prank.

They'd spent the morning decorating the mansion for the party to be held that evening. Several friends, including Richard, Travis, Angela, and Michael, joined them in the effort. Last year they'd transformed the remodeling chaos of the third floor into a maze of supernatural spookiness. This year, the game room on the ground floor received a makeover. Thanks to Travis's electronic wizardry, the room was now Doctor Frankenstein's lab complete with a couple of space aliens.

Mozzie had yet to view the results since he'd taken off early in the morning. Before leaving, he told Neal to make himself and Sara available in the afternoon without explaining why. Neal appreciated the heads-up. It gave him time to finish the food preparations. Eric and Elizabeth were also providing appetizers, and Michael would bring Halloween cupcakes for the revelers.

The party assistants left after lunch, leaving Sara and Neal alone in the house. Their summons came a few minutes later.

"A Pre-Halloween adventure!" Sara exclaimed happily when Neal told her. "Should I wear a costume?"

"Mozzie didn't give any particulars, but Hazmat suits might be suitable."

Sara's eyes widened. "What horrors lie beyond?"

"Knowing Mozzie, slime will likely be involved."

"If he's going to slime us, I'll need plenty of time to clean up before the party," she declared.

Neal wasn't worried. Any extra slime could be useful for Dr. Frankenstein's lab.

"We're heading north," Sara noted as they headed up Riverside Drive. "Is the bunker somewhere in the Columbia University tunnel network?"

"You're very warm. The entrance is in the Aloha Emporium. Billy Feng let Mozzie construct it in his basement shortly after they became partners in the organic honey business."

The Aloha Emporium was located just south of Columbia University. Only after the start of construction, did Mozzie realize how strategic the location was. But Neal didn't want to spoil Mozzie's fun by revealing the secret to Sara in advance.

Once they reached the emporium, Neal led Sara through the racks of Hawaiian shirts and past Maggie's orchid counter to a door in the back marked "Staff Only." He entered the electronic code and beckoned her inside.

"I've attended Maggie's martial arts classes for years in the basement and never dreamed Mozzie had a bunker there," Sara said as she descended the narrow staircase.

Neal winced. "I wish I could have told you but it wasn't my secret to share. Mozzie only told Janet a few months ago."

He went over to the cabinets on the far wall, opened a cabinet door, and deactivated the lock inside. Sara's eyes widened as the hermetically sealed door opened.

The man of the hour was standing at the entrance, a glass of wine in his hand. "Welcome to my rabbit hole." The small room was crammed with bookcases, computers, and storage cabinets. The kitchenette was about the size of the original one in the loft. Aside from Mozzie's captain's chair, a futon provided the only seating.

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