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On July 4th, 1947 supernatural beings were revealed to the non-magical world. You know- vampires, witches, werewolves, all of those stories your parents scared you to sleep with. The United Nations- seeing these beings as a potential threat to the sovereignty of the modern world- put together the Global Association for Protection Against Magical Threats. Or G.A.P for short. At first it was just monitoring. They set up outposts across the globe in all of the major supernatural communities. They claimed to guard us, said there were humans that were out to hurt us and that they were the only ones that could protect us. Obviously we didn't take them seriously though. I mean if you could breath fire and had scales stronger than steel what harm is a bullet you? We assured them of this, that their "protection" was appreciated but unnecessary. They didn't listen.

As the decades went by G.A.P's occupation of our communities went from just that- an occupation- to a full scale takeover. They restricted our movement, isolated us from humans. They assured us that this was just them protecting us from humans' fear of us.

The elders of our community saw how awful this could get if they didn't do anything so they took action. A rebellion was formed, an alliance of Supernaturals from all across the world organized to fight G.A.P and its heinous agenda. They called themselves the Organization for the Defense of Magic. The ODM.

Soon, a full on war broke out. The ODM versus G.A.P. Magic versus man. Oppressors versus the oppressed.

Now its 1994, and nothing has changed.

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