As my dad began going over his race highlights, a figure emerged from behind him in the distance. He, and I knew it was a he from the way he walked, seemed to be heading in our direction. I squinted, waited for him to get closer, before my eyes went wide and I practically felt a shockwave run through me. I cut off my dad's speech in a rushed, desperate manner. "Look, can I, like, head out early?" I asked, tugging on his arm to better get his attention.

"Oh, why? Do you have something planned?"

I panicked, trying to think of something as the figure was gaining. By now, it was painfully clear who it was.

"...Yep! Going to With a friend. Gotta... y'know, get ready and stuff..." I smiled, keeping an eye on the man who was now only meters away. "So, can I? Go? Right now?"

"Alright," I turned to leave, about to, but... "Just text me when—"

"Hey, Mister Saunterre! How're things with you?" I saw two hands rest atop my dad's shoulders, surprising him. The two greeted each other as I debated whether or not I could run and get away with it.

"Shame about today, Charles." My dad said, smothering the boy in pity as if he was his own son. The random passerby hadn't told me about Charles' position in the race, I realized. It can't have been good, I presumed, since otherwise there'd be no need for my dad to be so nice.

I often found that my dad treated Charles like a member of the family. I mean, I'm guilty of it too. Though, I never actually considered him to be family. I made sure to make that clear. I remember screaming, "He's not coming on the family vacation as "part of"the family, okay?! Not even extended family!" after my dad had made one too many 'you're like brother and sister' jokes. They always freaked me out.

...Looking back, I think I may have been a little obvious with the whole 'crush' thing when I was younger...

Well, anyway! I don't miss those days. I don't miss being around him all the time. It was annoying, more than anything! I'm glad I left for the summer. I am.

I am.

"Oh, really? Andi was just telling me about going to a party with someone."

Upon hearing my name, I snapped back into real-time and actually started listening again. I was still standing there, stationary, with my eyes closing for a little too long every now and then.

Which is probably why it took so long for me to process what they were talking about.

"Andi, where is it, this party?"

I looked at my dad, then at Charles. He had his racing suit pulled down halfway, his black fireproofs showing. I quickly realised, I hadn't properly looked at him in ages. I mean, like, really looked. I had been too busy avoiding him, apparently, to remember how... well, to be plain, how good he looked.

I averted my eyes, face hot, thinking of an answer before I was interrupted.

"I'm sure it's the Yacht Club's event she's going to. A lot of us are going." Charles told my dad, not allowing me time to cut in and disagree with his statement before my dad took his word for gospel.

"Oh, nice! Well, I'm glad Andi will be with other people she knows besides her friend."

"Yeah, yeah, totally. And by 'friend', you must mean Oscar, right?" He said, making sure to put his emphasis on the word friend.

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