Sunshine, Daisies, Butter Mellow

Start from the beginning



"We could call it Sirius and the Prongses... Prongsi? Prongsettes?"

"I like that actually," Harry said.

"The plural would be just Prongs," Remus said.


"The plural of Prongs is Prongs," Remus said, "It is it's own plural."

"Sort of like James is?"

"Precisely like James is."

Sirius grinned. "See? You're meant to be in the band. Multiple Jame with his Multiple Prong."

James cut a potato and bit into it, chewing it as he stared benignly at Sirius.

"And the Prongslet, of course."

"Yeah!" Harry agreed.

"We'll put a tie 'round your head, and some eyeliner on your eyes... Get you a couple of wizarding tattoos..."

"You're not tattooing my son."

Harry was laughing, smiling widely.

"A nice rock and roll electric guitar - metallic gold, it'll be. You need a good stand-out, recognizable instrument these days. The guitar is part of the celebrity, it becomes it's own personality in the band, practically. Remus, if you join the band, you could grow out your hair, get a permanent, make those curls of yours work for a living."

Remus looked up, "Since when am I in this band?"

"Since now," Sirius said, "I've just decided."

Remus shook his head, "Well that's definitely out." He got up and went to the kitchen for seconds. It was that time of the moon cycle when his appetite was positively insatiable and James had done him the favor of leaving part of the roast underdone and perfectly pink in the middle.

"You're all bummers," Sirius called out.

"Look, I agreed to think about a hobby or something to take up once Harry goes to Hogwarts, but I've got a month left with my son and I'd rather spend that month with him and explore my options starting after the first, alright? Can you respect that? And also my hobbies are not going to involve golden electric guitars or McKenna," James added pointedly, looking at Sirius.

Sirius was eyeballing James like a hungry animal, clearly thinking what sort of things he could rope James into doing.

"Well you're welcome to come and take your raincheck wander about the college anytime," Remus said. "Though if you want to take a class, you ought to think about coming sooner than later as they start the first week of September and you'll want to have time to get your supplies and get enrolled and such. You'll have no trouble at it, it's just you won't want to start late. There are a good deal of options. It isn't all arts."

James smiled, "Thank you, Remus." He looked at Sirius, "See, Remus is doing this respectfully, you could learn something from him."

"Sirius could learn a great deal from me," Remus intoned quietly.

"See Remus is doing this respectfully you could learn something," Sirius parroted James, tossing his head back and forth as he mimicked in a high tone. "You're such a wet sock."

"I hate wet socks," Harry supplied.

"The worst," said Remus as he returned and set himself into his seat again, a pile of pink roast on his plate, and stared eating eagerly again.

"So just to settle everyone's worried little minds, I'll go 'round the college this week and have a look and maybe - MAYBE! -" he added emphatically as Sirius lit up, "I will look into signing up for something."

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