Sunshine, Daisies, Butter Mellow

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"I've decided that I'm going to start a band."

James could tell that this topic had not yet been brought up at home because even Remus looked at Sirius with an expression of confused questioning, eyes narrowed.

"A band?" James asked.

"Yes, a band," Sirius said, his air lofty and gratuitous, as though he were giving them a great favor by announcing this to the dinner party at large first.

Harry was trying to keep a straight face and not laugh as he watched his Uncle Moony react to the announcement.

"And pray, do tell, what are you going to call yourself? Sirius and the Padfoots?" James asked.

"The K-9s," Remus suggested.

"The Yappers," James said.

"The Rolling Bones."

"Ha - good one," said Harry, grinning.

Sirius stared at them as Harry, Remus, and James laughed and shared high-fives at the terrible band names, and when they'd had their fun at it, he said, "I haven't come up with a band name yet as that is a sacred moment between the band members once they've all been assembled."

"Okay, I'll bite - " Remus started, but he was interrupted by James giggling.

"The Bark and Bites."

"Do you have members?" Remus finished his question.

Sirius looked at James.

James raised an eyebrow.

"You're looking for a hobby," Sirius explained, "And it appears I am now looking for members of my band."

James guffawed, "You've heard me sing. Sirius, that's a hard no."

"Sing! Please. Merlin knows I can sing - Nah, we don't need a singer, but we could use some other instrumentals besides my own glorious lungs. We need the Brian, Roger, and John to my Freddie."

Remus bit his lips and kept his eyes diverted downward. He knew if he met James's eyes at that moment he'd laugh and never, ever stop.

James said, "Well, good luck with it."

"C'mon, I could teach you guitar or drums or kazoo! I know you can play a killer kazoo."


"I mean nobody shreds on the kazoo like Sirius Black, of course, but I'll be busy singing so I can't kazoo and sing at the same time."

Harry asked, "How does one shred on a kazoo?"

"I'll show you later, Hazzah," Sirius said, then turned back to James.

"Sirius and the Marauders," Remus said suddenly.

Sirius pointed at Remus, "See, there we have it, excellent band name."

"No," James said again, and he turned back to his dinner, cutting a piece of roast from the lump of it on his plate.

Sirius looked at Remus pleadingly. Remus shook his head and Sirius frowned, then turned to James again with determination on his face. "I think it's a grand idea, James. We said once we were going to start a band like the Broomstick Boys..."

"We were eleven."

"And like wine we've only become finer with age."

"Even your spawn could be in the band. You wanna be in my band, Harry?"

"Sure," Harry said, shrugging.

"See? Even Harry wants to be in the band."

"Grand, then you pair be in the band."

Harry Potter and the New Bloom (A Marauders AU)Where stories live. Discover now