~First day jitters~

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Wc: 2153

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Have a good day/afternoon/night!

Being a new receptionist was hard. Being a receptionist in general was hard- I could only imagine what full time receptionists felt. This was my first day and I've already had what feels like a million emails from interview companies. Isn't this their assistants job? Why am I doing this?

I tapped away on the keyboard, so absorbed in the work I was tasked that I didn't see the other person standing at the end of my desk. Squinting my eyes, I read over the text document and lightning speeds, in hopes to absorb the contents just as fast. It was a bunch of stupid things, but I was required to know everything on it. All my work today has consisted of reading over premade documents expressing the importance of my job.

"Why the fuck are you here?" I looked up, almost falling out of my chair when I saw who was standing over my desk. My mouth fell agape, watching the slender figure hold a mile high stack of papers. It was Orchid. "I..work here?" Orchid scoffed at me, placing the papers down on the counter. "Well no shit. I mean why. Did you not get the hint when I beat your ass the first time?"

I shrugged, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I didn't know what to say to that. Yes, getting my ass beat sucked. And her being here sucked. And working for my biggest idol (and the person I hate most) right now sucked. But..no that's it. Everything just sucked.

"Why are you here?" I questioned, watching as she rolled her eyes at me. "I'm Velvets assistant. Frankly, I don't know how you landed a job here looking like that. If Velvet see's you dressed like that- she'll kill you." Running her hand across my gold plated name plate- words fell out of her mouth effortlessly. She made me feel small without trying.

"Anyway. I have no intention to chatter with a low life like you. These papers have to be done before you go home. All done in pen, no mistakes made. If a Mistake is made, reprint it."

She slid the papers onto the free space beside me, wiggling her fingers in a way to say goodbye. Strutting away, she left me with the papers to fill out. I slammed my head down on the desk, groaning. Why does my life have to be so difficult all the time? I felt the tears of frustration prick my eyes. My nose began to burn and I felt like crumbling to the floor.

I actually hate everything.

I just finished the pile of work that was oh-so-gracefully bestowed upon me. I was packing up my things now, ready to get back home to my bed. I could picture it now: I'm lying with my head dug into my pillows. And I can cry and scream to my hearts desire. I can eat pizza and watch horror documentaries all while I pass out from exhaustion and a huge food coma.

I smiled, shoving my wallet into my pocket and my phone into the other. Grabbing my car keys, I held down the power button on my monitor- effectively shutting it down. I pressed the off button on the console and left. I enjoyed hearing the hard working gears and machinery come to a slow stop as I walked away. The entire building was almost completely silent, as I think I was the last one to leave.

As I made my way towards the front door, I heard laughing behind me. Swiftly turning around, I was met with Velvet and Orchid- laughing amongst themselves. I guess I'm not the last one here. Velvets laugh was hypnotizing- despite all the previous things she's done to me. I'm still attracted to her like a moth to a candle.

𝔎𝔦𝔰𝔰 𝔪𝔢 𝔟𝔢𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔤𝔬 (Velvet x Reader) (Trolls Band Together)Where stories live. Discover now