~Lovers Quarrel~

738 21 61

Wc: 2098

Comment any ideas/concerns here. I'm always open to ideas that could further in the plot. If you want to text me privately, text me on here, or add my Discord:

Have a good day/afternoon/night!

Okay. A lot happened last week- and I think it's proper that we go over all of it. Not only did I hook up with the velvet. The most popular pop star right now- by the way. Her "date" that ditched her found out we did it.

Turns out, velvet is not a goddess when it comes to honesty.

Her dates name, I found out was Orchid. She was drop dead gorgeous- nothing compared to me. After me and Velvet had a moment, she kicked me out of the car. I didn't understand why until I was yanked off of the ground. It was a purple haired girl, she looked viciously angry. She had on a white blouse that draped lowly. She had a long brown coat that draped just below her knees. The blouse was tucked into a black, sleek, pair of pants. Her hair was half down and half tied up, allowing her neck to show. She had on small golden jewelry.

I found out though, she didn't only have jewelry around her neck. I found out she had diamond rings that covered her fingers. I found this out, when they collided with the space in between my eyes. I tried desperately to explain that Velvet started it- but Orchid refused to talk to me. She screamed at me and only was I able to find some relief and safety from her relentless punches when My boss came out to stop the commotion.

It was so embarrassing- I've never fought and the first time I did, I didn't fight back. I was pampered by almost everyone in the bar afterwards. They said how I was "too pretty to fight" and even some famous men and women offered to expose Velvet for letting it happen. Frankly, it wouldn't have mattered if she did or not. She's got enough money to shut almost anyone up.

And that was awful enough in its own way. But turns out my boss letting me leave meant a never ending string of trouble with H.R. such a big amount of trouble, that I was given a 3 dollar pay drop or I was fired. And I'm not sure about you, but that three dollar pay drop would likely do more damage than good.

So, without a job and without money. I was stuck in the situation I was in now. I sat at the end of my uncomfortable mattress, running my hands down my face. I made the bright decision to do all this the week rent was due. I haven't seen the landlord in a few months- but I've always paid rent so either he's just a happy man- or he's dead. Which, he never answers my calls so either he's an annoying happy man, or dead. At this point, I'm voting for the ladder option.

My damp hair was laid flat against my shoulders as I thought of what to do. A towel was wrapped around the top part of my chest- leaving my legs bare. Bringing myself to a rise, I waddled over to my closet. I pushed open the wooden door- listening to the familiar creak. Letting my fingers delicately glide across the many textures and fabrics of my clothes- I decided on a pair of loose fitting jeans and a sweater.

Slipping on the two pair of clothes, I brushed my fingers through my hair. I stole a glance at my bedroom mirror on my way out, accepting that my hair was going to stay frazzled today. My socks padded against my hardwood floors, causing me to almost glide across the ground. I hummed a song, floating my way across the house and to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I cringed at the empty sight of the shelves.

Today was supposed to be shopping day.

I frowned, slumping in on myself. Yeah, this wasn't going to cut it. I had to find a job. I practically ran back to my room, almost tripping on my pants legs. Sitting down in my office chair, I opened my laptop sitting on a nearby desk. I navigated through the Lock Screen, pressing 'Google' after unlocking it. What do I even start with?

𝔎𝔦𝔰𝔰 𝔪𝔢 𝔟𝔢𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔤𝔬 (Velvet x Reader) (Trolls Band Together)Where stories live. Discover now