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Eddie's POV

I wake up saturated in warmth and the faint smell of honeysuckle. Though I'm certain I have a crick in my neck and a catch in my back, I've never felt more rested. When I look down, I realize why.

Last night, Emilia and I claimed one of the two couches in the living room, while the rest of the kids sprawled out on a pallet of pillows and blankets. My eyes quickly scan the room, and when I find all of them still dead to the world asleep I turn my attention back to the girl cradled between me and the couch cushions.

Her face is pressed into the crook of my neck, so close each exhale tickles my skin. Her soft body is relaxed and pressed against me. Her thigh is hiked up and tangled between mine, while her hand lays flat on my chest.

Not wanting to wake her and shatter the moment, I try my best to remain still. Try my best to memorize every point of contact and just how fucking nice it feels. Wishing I could see her face, I imagine thick lashes brushing the freckles on her cheeks, and her plush lips slightly parted as she dreams.

Though I'd never admit it, I know she was lying about who was on the phone last night. I hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but I went to the kitchen to get drinks for me and Henderson and heard the whole thing. From telling Steve off, to saying exactly what she thought of me.

What I don't understand is why she lied. It's obvious he called because he wants her back...and isn't that the whole point?

Normally, I would have called her out, but if he wants her back...all of this is over. So, instead I played along like the selfish motherfucker I am and enjoyed the shit out of cuddling her on the couch.

I'm not ready for this to end, so I'll take whatever time she's willing to give me.

At some point in the night, her shirt lifted, revealing a sliver of pale flesh. I can't stop my fingers from tracing small circles into her skin. Following the lines of her hip bone, I feel her shiver and grind herself against my thigh. I suck in a breath, suddenly so hard my length strains against the teeth of my zipper. My fingers pause, when she whimpers and moves her hips again.

I groan, seconds away from blowing a load in my jeans, when I remember we're in a room full of sleeping ninth graders.

As carefully as I can I attempt to untangle myself from Emilia, but the second I move her arm from my chest, she springs upright with a startled gasp.

"Oh my god!" she pants, voice still raspy with sleep. It's incredibly sexy, and does absolutely nothing to help the situation in my pants. "We fell asleep."

"We all did." I motion around the room at the others and I see her shoulders relax. "Movie night, remember?"

She shakes her head and rubs the sleep from her eyes. "Right. Sorry I fell asleep on you." She says, avoiding my eyes.

I huff, and try to lighten the mood. "You should be, I'll be sure to send you the dry cleaning bill for all the drool." I pull at the collar of my shirt for emphasis. "Did you know you snore, princess?"

She doesn't, I just love the pretty pink color that tinges her cheeks and I want to see how long I can keep it there.

Emilia scoffs and smacks me in the back of the head with a throw pillow on her way to the kitchen.

Careful not to wake the others, I follow after her. I smell the coffee brewing and watch as she retrieves a pitcher of orange juice from the refrigerator. Her eyes are glossed over and it's obvious she's lost in her thoughts again. I'd give anything to be able to hear what she's thinking.

Feeling the need to distract her, I ask the familiar question from our first 'fake' day together. "Tell me something I don't know, Mils."

She blinks her eyes clear, looks at me, and grins. "My dad used to call me that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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