Chapter 8

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A few moments later the boys were found facing off with a pudgy ghost woman in a badly fitting suit and bad haircut sporting spidery eyelashes and big red lips.

"You boys really need to get out of the 9-to-5 grind and become your own boss like me! Hashtag girl boss! Hashtag living your best life!"

The boys seemed to be listening patiently, a bit befuddled by the sales pitch.

Meanwhile, Panty and Stocking sneakily took a position in bushes nearby and discussed their plan while looking on. Panty held up her magical gun and tapped it explaining, "I'll just shoot their weapons and then they won't be able to fight anymore."

Stocking nodded with approval, gripping onto her cat doll as she adds, "Then we can rush in there and get credit for saving their butts. They'll be too grateful to even think about it." She smiled smugly and watched on with interest.

The ghost woman somehow had already worked her magic on Brief and Crewsocks by the time the sisters looked back, having quickly given them gaudy makeovers with bad makeup. "You can buy the starter pack and become a licensed Datenway distributor today!"

The boys quickly rubbed the makeup off their faces returning their appearances to their normal looks. But no sooner had they done so than a pair of large boxes dropped into their hands preventing them from reaching for their weapons.

Brief spoke up in protest, "Listen, lady—we don't want..."

She quickly interrupted what he was going to say, "Right! What am I thinking!! You should start with the premium starter pack that will boost you right up to being a silver level distributor and that way get double points on your downline sales."

Out of thin air, more boxes appeared and dropped into the boys' arms weighing them down.

"Then once you each recruit three people each, you'll get a special invitation to the Datenway Sales Conference next month where the founder will be giving a speech! Only those with invitations can buy the tickets!"

Panty aimed as the ghost woman continued to give the boys the details of her multilevel marketing scheme. When she felt like she had a perfect aim at Brief's backpack, she fired her shot.

However, before the bullet reached him, Brief collapsed under the weight of the increasing packages. The bullet went over Brief's head, pierced through the package, and struck the ghost woman in the chest. She let out a short scream of shock before exploding like all of the other ghosts before her, the various packages she had loaded onto the boys also exploding in their hands and sending them tumbling away crying out in surprise.

Panty's jaw dropped in surprise and she stood there looking stunned until Stocking interrupted.

"You missed!! How could you miss it like that?! Honestly, they would have done worse if you—"

Panty reached over and pushed Stocking to the ground, putting a hand over her mouth while Stocking continued to rant and rave from behind it, "Mmmpff rrr mmhmmf!"

"Shhh!!" panty shushed her sister while keeping their bodies low and hidden.

The boys made their way back to their feet and Crewsocks looked over in the direction of the angels. "Hey, did you hear something?"

Rather than answering, Brief ran forward and grabbed ahold of the newly dropped Heaven Coin, holding it up with a cheer. "Good work, Crewsocks! I was worried there for a moment."

His attention was drawn back to Brief, Crewsocks stopped looking for the source of the noise as he began to answer, "Huh? But I didn't do it?"

Brief looked back with a little concern, "You didn't?" But after a beat, he simply brightened up again, "Well, it's about time we had some good luck tonight! Let's go—just four more."

Brief and Crewsocks: Ghost HuntersWhere stories live. Discover now